| ||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The quizzes often have several solutions. Here is one solution that often takes into account of the performance tuning. If it is not specified, the commands must be executed connected as SYS. Remember that the solution could change because of the Oracle version (eg. Oracle 8.0 is quite different than Oracle 11.2!). This document is not warranted to be error-free. December 2009 - Segments
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
On the schema LORIS, you have create these 4 segments:
create table t1 (a number) parallel 3; create table t2 (b number); create index ix1 on t1(a) parallel 2; create index ix2 on t2(b);You want to find out a query to get the segments list ordered by degree. Then you want to have a result like this: TYPE OWNER OBJECT_NAME DEGREE ----- -------- ------------- --------- TABLE LORIS T1 3 INDEX LORIS IX1 2 INDEX LORIS IX2 1 TABLE LORIS T2 1Pay attention to the order! Try my example! Solution
Connected as SYS, you should use the views DBA_INDEXES and DBA_TABLES. On them, the DEGREE column is not a NUMBER. So if you can't do this : select* from ( select 'TABLE' type, owner, table_name object_name, degree from dba_tables where table_name in ('T1','T2') and owner = 'LORIS' union all select 'INDEX', owner, index_name, degree from dba_indexes where index_name in ('IX1','IX2') and owner = 'LORIS' ) order by degree desc; TYPE OWNER OBJECT_NAME DEGREE ----- --------- ------------ ---------- INDEX LORIS IX1 2 INDEX LORIS IX2 1 TABLE LORIS T1 3 TABLE LORIS T2 1So you should use the function TO_NUMBER: select* from ( select 'TABLE' type, owner, table_name object_name, to_number(degree) degree from dba_tables where table_name in ('T1','T2') and owner = 'LORIS' union all select 'INDEX', owner, index_name, to_number(degree) from dba_indexes where index_name in ('IX1','IX2') and owner = 'LORIS' ) order by degree desc; November 2009 - Oracle Error
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
Your database is in Oracle 10g on an AIX machine.
You want to bounce the database but you receive an error: SQL> shut immediate; Database closed. Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down. SQL> SQL> startup mount; ORA-24324: service handle not initialized ORA-01041: internal error. hostdef extension doesn't exist SQL>What you can do in order to avoid this error? October 2009 - RMAN Problem
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
In RMAN, you have a script starting like this:
RUN { SET UNTIL TIME '02-07-09 15:00:00'; ...You try to launch it or similar versions (for example, changing the order between months and days) but you receive errors like these: ORA-01843: not a valid month or ORA-01861: literal does not match format stringThen you check this: SQL> sho parameter nls_time_format NAME TYPE VALUE ----------------- ----------- ------ nls_time_format stringIts value is null... not really useful for us. What is the easiest way to solve this problem? Solution
You could use the function to_date: RUN { SET UNTIL TIME "to_date('20090702 15:00:00','yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss')"; … September 2009 - DB Link
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
The developers' group asks you to do a db link from DB_1 to DB_TARGET (user lassi, password lassi).
You write this in the tnsnames of DB_1: DB_TARGET.COMPANY = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = DB_TARGET ) ) )You launch this: CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK DB_TARGET CONNECT TO lassi IDENTIFIED BY lassi USING 'DB_TARGET.COMPANY';After you check the db link: SELECT*FROM DUAL@DB_TARGET.COMPANY * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02085: database link DB_TARGET.COMPANY connects to DB_TARGETThen you try: - writing the entry in the tnsnames (the SID in it is correct) like this: DB_TARGET = (DESCRIPTION = ...- and launching this: CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK DB_TARGET.COMPANY ...- and try any combination of these. But the db link never works. In DB_1 the value of the parameter global_names is true. After, you see this: DB_1: NAME TYPE VALUE -------------- ----------- -------- db_domain string COMPANY DB_TARGET: NAME TYPE VALUE -------------- ----------- -------- db_domain stringWhy is it happened? And what you can do in order to solve this problem? August 2009 - Query Optimization
Level (*) : 1 Topic (*) : Progr
You are in Oracle 9.2 and you have this query:
SELECT* FROM tab1 WHERE col1 in (1,2,3) AND substr(col2, 1, 3) = 'AAA';You have a function-based index on the columns col1-col2. But the optimizer doesn't use this index even if you analyze the table and the index. How you could write the query in order to be sure (almost sure) that the optmizer will use that function-based index? Solution
You should use a hint. If the name of the function based is IDX_FUNCTION, you should write the query like this: SELECT /*+ index (tab1 idx_function) */ * FROM tab1 WHERE col1 in (1,2,3) AND substr(col2, 1, 3) = 'AAA'; July (2) 2009 - Compile error
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You are trying to recompile the package LASSI.DB_PKG but you receive this error:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE LASSI.DB_PKG * ERRORE alla riga 1: ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object LASSI.DB_PKGHow you can find who is accessing to that package? What you can do in order to recompile that package? Solution
You use the V$ACCESS: select* from V$ACCESS where object='DB_PKG'; SID OWNER OBJECT TYPE -------- ------- ---------- -------- 173 LASSI DB_PKG PACKAGEThen, that package is used from the session with sid=173. So to recompile the package, you have 2 solution: 1. wait that the session above will be finished 2. kill the session above About the second solution: select SID, SERIAL#, SCHEMANAME, OSUSER, PROGRAM, LOGON_TIME from v$session where sid=173; SID SERIAL# SCHEMANAME OSUSER PROGRAM LOGON_TIME ------ --------- ----------- -------- --------- ----------- 173 12644 LASSI a809870 TOAD.exe 16-JUN-09 alter system kill session '173, 12644'; July 2009 - Strange OS error
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
You are in Oracle in an AIX server.
You are connected with the OS user lassi and you try to connect to the db dblor: /home/lassi > sqlplus loris/loris SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed May 13 11:50:01 2009 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. ERROR: ORA-01034: ORACLE not available ORA-27121: unable to determine size of shared memory segment IBM AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 13: Permission deniedThen you check its environment: /home/lassi >env ... ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/dblor/dbms9 ORACLE_SID=DBLOR PATH=/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/home/lassi/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/oracle/dblor/dbms9/binAnd everything is ok. Then you try to launch the, but you still have the problem. Why is it happened? How can you solve it? June 2009 - Database Link
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
You have the db DB1 in Oracle 9.2.
The developer group of this db asks you to change the password of the database link ENWI.COMPANY. This request is because they changed the password of the remote user. The connection must use the same user and the new password is WEB123. In this moment nobody is using this db link. How can you do it? Solution
The ALTER DATABASE LINK doesn’t exist. Then you have to drop it and re-create it. To have its script, you can use the function dbms_metadata.get_ddl (feature Oracle 9i): set long 2000 SELECT dbms_metadata.get_ddl ('DB_LINK', 'ENWI.COMPANY', 'PUBLIC' ) FROM dual; DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL('DB_LINK','ENWI. COMPANY ','PUBLIC') ----------------------------------------------------------- CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK "ENWI.COMPANY" CONNECT TO "WEBBY" IDENTIFIED BY "A1ABCDE$" USING 'ENWI.COMPANY'Then you can do: drop public DATABASE LINK "ENWI.COMPANY "; CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK "ENWI.COMPANY" CONNECT TO "WEBBY" IDENTIFIED BY WEB123 USING 'ENWI.COMPANY';You also could take the info from the dba_db_links: select* from dba_db_links; OWNER DB_LINK USERNAME HOST CREATED -------- ------------- ----------- ------------- -------------- PUBLIC ENWI.COMPANY WEBBY ENWI.COMPANY 30-APR-09 May 2009 - SQL and File System
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
You have your db in a Unix machine and in this machine you have only that db.
You have to add a data file (quite big, example 20G). Before adding it, you want to find out: - the file systems where there is already at least a datafile - among them, the file system less occupied. You will add the data file in this file system. You know that every file system are like this: /oracleXX/YYY/Then you have to find a query that has a result like this: ! df -k /oracle01/data/ ! df -k /oracle01/data2/ ! df -k /oracle03/data11/ ! df -k /oracle05/da_33/ ... Solution
Use the function instr to find the position of the third "/": select distinct '! df -k ' || substr(file_name,1,instr(file_name,'/' ,1,3)) from dba_data_files; April 2009 - Hot Backup Script
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
You have your dbs in Windows and you want to do a procedure that create a file, named hot_backup.sql, like this:
conn system/your_pwd ; alter tablespace TBL1 begin backup ; host xcopy R:\ORADATA\TBL_01.DBF R:\Oracle\Backup\Database /Y ; alter tablespace TBL1 end backup ; alter tablespace TBL_IDX_1 begin backup ; host xcopy R:\ORADATA\TBL_IDX_01.DBF R:\Oracle\Backup\Database /Y ; host xcopy R:\ORADATA\TBL_IDX_02.DBF R:\Oracle\Backup\Database /Y ; alter tablespace TBL_IDX_1 end backup ; … alter system switch logfile;This file is useful in order to do a hot backup (not RMAN) of the database. What the file says: - the user that will do the hot backup - for every tablespace (not temporary), it will put the tablespace in "begin backup", it will do a copy of every its datafile (from its location to R:\Oracle\Backup\Database), and after it will put the tablespace in "end backup" - in the end, it will do a logfile switch Solution
You should be connected as SYSTEM or another administrator user (this second case is better) : CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE hot_backup IS -- VARIABLES USEFUL TO USE THE utl_file PACKAGE dest varchar2(400); td utl_file.file_type; BEGIN td := utl_file.fopen('data_pump_dir','hot_backup.sql' ,'w',32000); dest := 'conn system/your_pwd;' ; utl_file.put_line(td,dest); -- EXTERNAL LOOP: TABLESPACE NOT TEMPORARY for x in (select * from v$tablespace where name not in (select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces where contents = 'TEMPORARY' )) loop dest := 'alter tablespace ' || || ' begin backup ;'; utl_file.put_line(td,dest); -- INNER LOOP: DATAFILES FOR EACH TABLESPACE for j in ( select name from v$datafile t where t.ts#=x.ts# ) loop dest := 'host xcopy ' || || ' R:\Oracle\Backup\Database /Y ;'; utl_file.put_line(td,dest); end loop; dest := 'alter tablespace '|| || ' end backup ;'; utl_file.put_line(td,dest); end loop ; dest := 'alter system switch logfile;'; utl_file.put_line(td,dest); utl_file.fclose(td); END; March 2009 - Problems deleting a User
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
You want to delete the user LASSI. Then you, as SYS, launch:
drop user LASSI cascade;While it's working, you lose the connection. Then you again connect SYS in the db and you try again: drop user LASSI cascade * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01940: cannot drop a user that is currently connected In the dba_users, of course you still see that user. You launch a query in the v$session and you see that LASSI has active sessions! And you try to see in v$locked_objects joined with dba_objects, but there aren't its objects locked. Then what you can do in order to delete that user? February 2009 - Free Space Problem
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
In your db, you have a tool that always checks the db status.
From this tool, you receive an alarm where it shows that the biggest chunk free in the tablespace LA_DT01 is 100M and in this tablespace there is a segment that has NEXT=135M. Then Oracle will not able to allocate next extent. The name of this segment is SYS_LOB0000024116C00002$$. In the DBA_SEGMENTS you see that this segment has EXTENTS=3 and PCT_INCREASE=50. And you discover that the tablespace size is 2G and its data files have AUTOEXTEND OFF. Now the total size of the segments in that tablespace is only 700M. In your hard disk, you don't have free space. What's a fast solution of this problem? And which is a DML that you should use as workaround of that problem? Solution
A fast solution of this problem is to decrease the NEXT of that segment. 1. You find out which segment is that: select segment_name, segment_type, next_extent, tablespace_name from dba_segments where segment_name = 'SYS_LOB0000024116C00002$$'; PARTITION_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE NEXT_EXTENT TABLESPACE_NAME -------------------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------- SYS_LOB0000024116C00002$$ LOBSEGMENT 141557760 LA_DT01 2. You find out in which table is that lob segment: select owner||'.'||table_name "TABLE", column_name, segment_name from all_lobs where segment_name= 'SYS_LOB0000024116C00002$$'; TABLE COLUMN_NAME SEGMENT_NAME ----------- ------------- ---------------------------- LA.SDI_XML XML SYS_LOB0000024116C00002$$ 3. Then this is the correct DML: alter table LA.SDI_XML modify lob (XML) (STORAGE (NEXT 60m PCTINCREASE 0)); In it, it’s important : - to have PCTINCREASE 0 - the NEXT smaller then 100M (that is the biggest chunk free). January 2009 - Redo logs archived
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
You want to calculate:
- how many archive logs the db has generated during every day in the last week - how much disk-space these archive logs occupied (every day) For example, you have to find a query that has this result: Date N.Archive Tot.MB ---------- ---------- -------------------- 2008-12-16 173 32400 2008-12-17 140 26207 2008-12-18 166 30644 2008-12-19 162 30279 2008-12-20 173 32434 2008-12-21 174 32404 2008-12-22 187 35683 2008-12-23 184 35783In this example, on 21st the db has generated more archive logs than on 20th but their total space occupied has been less. how is it possible? and why this is more probable in an environment with standby db? If you want to do the same calculation about more then one week, which Oracle parameter use should check and maybe you should change? December 2008 - sqlplus "/as sysdba" problem
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
You have an Oracle db in an AIX machine.
To manage that db, you use 2 different OS users: - osdblor: installation, patches, etc... - oradblor: day to day administration This is the result of their "id" shell command: osdblor: uid=20470(osdblor) gid=55(oinstall) groups=54(dba) oradblor: uid=20471(oradblor) gid=54(dba)You see that you can do sqlplus "/as sysdba" with the first OS user but when you try it with the second user, you receive ORA-01031: insufficient privilegesWhat is the cause of that problem? What you can do in order to use the sqlplus "/as sysdba" with the oradblor OS user? November 2008 - Special Tablespaces
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
You are on Oracle 9i and you want to check 2 "special" tablespaces: the TEMPORARY and the UNDO tablespaces.
For the TEMPORARY tablespaces, you must find a query in order to find how much space is used in it. Example: in this db, you have 2 temporary tablespaces then you must receive a result like this : TABLESPACE_NAME MB Used MB Size % Used ---------------- -------- -------- ------ TEMP 16 200 8 TEMP_NEW 3405 3405 100For the UNDO tablespace, you must find a query that show some indicators in order to understand if its size is right or not. For example, you must receive a result like this: Undo Stats ------------------------------------------------ Start Statistics: 20081017 12:17 End Statistics: 20081024 12:13 Minimum Size suggested for the Undo tbs: 672 MB Max Length Query: 6109 seconds How many ORA-01555: 0 How many Out-of-Space in the Undo tbs: 0In this example, the db has an undo-size of 3 GB. Be careful to draw a conclusion: you could think that the undo tablespace is too big because the size suggested is 672 MB. But remind that every indicator here is refered only to the period considered in the system views: in this case, only the last week: from 20081017 12:17 to 20081024 12:13. October 2008 - Sql*Plus Problem
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You have the db "dblor" in and it is on AIX.
In that machine you have the OS user "ordblor" and you try to connect in Sql*Plus with this OS user: $ sqlplus Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus Message file sp1Then you have a look at its .profile: export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/dblor/dbms102040 export PATH=/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:$HOME/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:$ORACLE_HOME/bin export TNS_ADMIN=/oracle/dblor/admin/tnsadmin export ORACLE_SID=dblorand you check its UID: $ id uid=18216(ordblor) gid=54(dba) groups=1(staff)How you can use Sql*Plus with this OS user? Solution
Connected as the Oracle Software owner (also while the db processes are active): cd $ORACLE_HOME/install ./ It runs for about 10 minutes. It decreases the db access security then before that you launch it, you should check in the Oracle documentation. September 2008 - SQL Query
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : Prog
You have this query:
select ... from view1 a, view2 b where a.col1 = b.col2;The view1 is on table10. The view2 is a join query between table20 and table21. When you launch this query, the Oracle Optimizer choose a bad explain plan: it does a Full Table Scan on table21: 9 millions rows. You want that the Optimizer uses the index table21_idx5 (7000 distinct values) on the table21. How you can do it? You must do it: - without changing Oracle parameters - without using a hint inside the view2: usually it's not a good idea to put a hint inside a view Solution
In the query, you can put a hint that use the index table21_idx5: select /*+ index( b.table21 table21_idx5 ) */ ... from view1 a, view2 b where a.col1 = b.col2; In that hint then you have: - the type of hint: index - the alias "b" where the Optimizer can find the table21 - the index name to use: table21_idx5 August 2008 - Rows affected
Level (*) : 1 Topic (*) : Prog
You have the table EMP. It contains the employees of your company.
You want to do an anonymous block and in it you want to do this: UPDATE emp SET sal = sal*1.1 WHERE sal < 1000;Moreover, execution this block, you want to see how many rows are affected by this DML. How you can do it? Solution
In order to do the update, Oracle uses an implicit cursor, than you can use a cursor attribute: sql%rowcount: declare a pls_integer := 0; begin UPDATE emp SET sal = sal*1.1 WHERE sal < 1000; a:=sql%rowcount; dbms_output.put_line(a); end; July 2008 - Privs on Updates
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
In the schema LORIS, you have this table:
create table emp1 ( cod number, name varchar2(100), salary number );In it, you have some rows: insert into emp1 values (10,'loris',1000); insert into emp1 values (20,'mirko',900); insert into emp1 values (30,'emanuele',800); insert into emp1 values (40,'pippo',600); insert into emp1 values (50,'pluto',600);In your db, you have the user SCOTT and you want both: - SCOTT could do update of the employees on EMP1 with cod>30 - SCOTT could do update only of the field SALARY How you can do this? Solution
In order to reach these goals, you could use a view: Connected as LORIS: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_emp1 AS SELECT * FROM emp1 WHERE cod>30; GRANT UPDATE ( salary ) ON view_emp1 TO scott; So, the user SCOTT can do something like this: update loris.view_emp1 set salary=0; 2 rows updated And it can’t do operations like these: update loris.emp1 set salary=0; ORA-00942: table or view does not exist Or update loris.view_emp1 set cod=0; ORA-01031: insufficient privileges June 2008 - Strange Oracle Error
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
You can have this strange situation:
SQL> select* from v$version; BANNER ----------------------------------------------------------- Oracle9i Release - Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production SQL> select trunc(avg(tempo_di_risp),2), trunc(starttime), transactionname from cwf where trunc(starttime) < trunc(sysdate) group by trunc(starttime), transactionname;It works a while and after that it shows same rows, you receive: ORA-03113: end-of-file sul canale di comunicazioneAfter that, you can't access on the db and you must restart it! After the db bounce, you discover: - you can do "select* from cfw" without problems - the table cfw doesn't have blocks corruption - the describe of that table is: Name Type Nullable Default -------------------- ------------- -------- ------- ID NUMBER Y SOURCE_ID VARCHAR2(30) Y STARTTIME DATE Y ELAPSEDTIME NUMBER Y TRANSACTIONNAME VARCHAR2(255) Y DISPONIBILITA NUMBER Y TEMPO_DI_RISP FLOAT Y- than you try again the first query and you receive the same error after the same number of fetched rows. What could be the problem? And how you could avoid it? May (2) 2008 - Strange Column Values
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
You can have this strange situation:
SQL> select* from v$version; BANNER ---------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production SQL> select* from tab1; UID NAME ---- -------- 10 Loris 11 Mirko SQL> select uid from tab1; UID ---- 78 78Maybe an update is happened. Then you try again: SQL> select* from tab1; UID NAME ------------- 10 Loris 11 MirkoThen it wasn't an update. How is it possible that Oracle show different UID values according to the query? May 2008 - Problem with user creation
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
You can have this strange situation:
SQL> select* from v$version; BANNER ---------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production SQL> create user loris identified by loris default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp; ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kzdugn], [], [], [], [], [], [], []The user monitor_db doesn't exists. And you receive the same error trying to create others users. You try to restart the db but you still receive that error. What you can do to create that user? April 2008 - SQL and Possessive Form
Level (*) : 1 Topic (*) : Prog
You have a table like this:
create table x (first_name varchar2(50), last_name varchar2(50));And you have 2 rows, such as below, inside that table: insert into x VALUES ('SCOTT','TIGER'); insert into x VALUES ('HENRY','FLOWERS');You must find a query that has this result: Scott Tiger's Henry Flowers'Then in this query, these are your goals: - the names and surnames must have the first letter in capital form and the others letters not in capital form - you must use the possessive form: at the end of the surname you must put 's. But if at the end of the surname there is an S, you must put only the ' Solution
You must use: - initcap: because of the capital letter - decode: to check the last letter SELECT initcap(trim(first_name)||' '||initcap(trim(last_name)))|| decode( substr(lower(trim(last_name)),-1,1) , 's', '''', '''s') FROM X; March 2008 - Double Table
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You can have this strange situation:
SQL> select* from v$version; BANNER ---------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Solaris: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production SQL> desc b Object b does not exist. SQL> create table b (bb number); Table created SQL> create table b (cc char); Table created SQL> desc b Name Type Nullable Default Comments ---- ------ -------- ------- -------- BB NUMBER YOn the second creation you don't receive any errors! What could be the reason? And what could be a simple workaround to bypass that problem? Solution
Of course, this an Oracle bug. Maybe the problem is that you don't have the unique index on$. In this case you have to create it (look at the details in the Oracle documentation). If you already have that index, try an Oracle restart: it could be the solution! February 2008 - kill a job
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
In your db, there is a running job and you want to stop it.
In order to do it, initially you put the job in BROKEN state. After that, you search that job among the sessions but it is not easy to find it. You must write a query that shows the running jobs and creates the script to kill these jobs. E.g: When you launch the query, you must have a result like this:
You can use this query reading 3 views: select jobs.job, jobs.schema_user, jobs.what, jobs_run.this_date, 'alter system kill session ''' || sess.sid || ', ' || sess.serial# || ''';' script from dba_jobs jobs, dba_jobs_running jobs_run, v$session sess where jobs.job = jobs_run.job and jobs_run.sid = sess.sid; January 2008 - Clone Db between 2 different Oracle version
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You have a Oracle db in the machine machine1 and you want to clone it to the machine2. There are 2 cases: - in the machine2, the db has the same Oracle version as in machine1 (example Oracle 10g in both cases) - in the machine2, the db has not the same Oracle version as in machine1 (e.g. the machine1 has Oracle9 and the machine2 has Oracle10). How can you have the same data between the 2 dbs? Actually in the last case, you shouldn't speak of "clone db" because you have a real "clone db" only if the 2 dbs has the same Oracle version. Solution
First case: December 2007 - Clone Db
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You have an Oracle db in the machine machine1. You want to clone it in the machine2 that has exactly the same features of the machine1. During this operation nobody can access to these dbs and you don't want to stop the db in the machine1. Which is the fastest way to do it? Solution
This method is usually faster (and better) than export-import: 1. target machine: install Oracle (same version than the source db) with a database 2. source machine: hot backup of the whole db: alter tablespace TBS1 begin backup; copy (not “cut and paste”!) its datafiles in a different location. Eg in sql*plus in Windows: host xcopy R:\ORADATA\TBS1.DBF X:\oracle_hotbackup /Y; alter tablespace TBS1 end backup; etc… etc… for the others tablespaces (except the temporary tablespace) alter system switch logfile; 3. source machine: backup of the controlfile: alter database backup controlfile to trace; (you can find it in the udump) 4. target machine: db shutdown and here you copy the datafiles and the controlfile in the same directories than in the source machine 5. startup the target db November 2007 - Existing Files
Level (*) : 1 Topic (*) : Prog
We are in Oracle 9i on a Sun Solaris machine. You have to do a PLSQL program that, when is launched, do this: 1. checks if exists the file /store2/errlog/pippo.txt 2. if it's existing, you have to write (by dbms_output) 'The file exists' 3. if it's not existing, you have to write (by dbms_output) 'The file doesn't exists' Solution
You can check if the file exists by trying to open it: declare dir constant varchar2(50):= '/store2/errlog'; -- directory where you check name varchar2(30):= 'pippo.txt'; -- file_name id_file utl_file.file_type; -- type exists_file exception; -- for exception pragma exception_init (exists_file, -29283); -- for exception begin id_file:=utl_file.fopen(location => dir, filename => name, open_mode => 'r'); dbms_output.put_line ('The file exists'); utl_file.fclose (id_file); exception when exists_file then dbms_output.put_line ('The file doesn''t exist'); utl_file.fclose (id_file); end; October 2007 - Log Tables
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : Prog
In our database, as in many others, we write information about some important transactions in a log table. This is our log table: create table LOG_MSG (nr_sequence number, procedure_name varchar2(70), message varchar2(200), dt_insert date); alter table LOG_MSG add constraint LOG_MSG_PK primary key (nr_sequence);In this table, our application write about 200.000 rows every day. You want to keep this information for 1 month. You must find a way to access to this information always fast (then do every night a delete of the old rows is not a good solution). Your solution must be suitable for Oracle8i, 9i and 10g and must be suitable also if in your db is not enabled the PARTITIONING option. September 2007 - Datafile Contents
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
You know that the tablespace EXAMPLE has many free space: it's big 100M and has 95M free space. You use the query used in the quiz of August 2007 so you see that you can do the resize of his datafile until his size will be 80M. Then you want to look at inside his datafile contents to discover if it's easy to save more space in it. Then you have to do a query that show the tablespace contents like that (ordered by block_id desc):
... These are just the first rows of the result. This result is useful because now you know that if you rebuild the indexes SH.FW_PSC_S_MV_IDX and LASSI.EXAMPLE_PK then you can resize the datafile until about 17M (of course, before that you rebuild these indexes you should check how much big they are). In the query that you have to find, you have to use two substitution variables: one useful if you want to give the tablespace name, the other one if you want to give the datafile name (especially if the tablespace has more than one datafile). August 2007 - Datafile resize and Dictionary Views
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
You are working in Oracle 9.2. In your machine there is just a little disk free space. You know that the USERS tablespace has many unsed space then you decide to shrink his 2 data files. You must find a SQL query that you can use in order to find how much big are these data files and how much big you can make them. Example: When you launch the SQL query, you must receive a result like this:
And you must find another SQL query for Oracle 8.0 and 8i. July 2007 - Create table and Dictionary views
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : Prog
You have the table TAB_A and this table contains columns only with these datatypes: char, varchar2, date and number. These columns don't have
any default value. You must do a SQL query that you can launch in order to obtain the TAB_ORDERED such as TAB_A but with the column created in alphabetic order. It's not important to take into account the tablespace_name, the constraints and the storage clause. Example: SQL> desc tab_a Name Type Nullable ------- ------------ -------- FILE# NUMBER Y STATUS VARCHAR2(18) Y CHANGE# NUMBER Y TIME DATE Y FLAG CHAR(1) SUM NUMBER(10,2) YAnd when you launch your SQL query, you must obtain a result like this: CREATE TABLE TAB_ORDERED ( CHANGE# NUMBER ,FILE# NUMBER ,FLAG CHAR(1) NOT NULL ,STATUS VARCHAR2(18) ,SUM NUMBER(10,2) ,TIME DATE ); Solution
select 'CREATE TABLE TAB_ORDERED (' from dual union all select decode(rownum,1,null,',') || x.script from ( select a.column_name || ' ' || a.data_type || decode(a.data_type,'VARCHAR2', '('||to_char(a.data_length)||')', 'NUMBER', decode(data_precision,null,null,'('||data_precision||','||a.data_scale||')'), 'DATE', null, 'CHAR', '('||a.data_length||')') || decode (a.nullable,'N', ' NOT NULL', NULL) script from user_tab_columns a where a.table_name = 'TAB_A' order by column_name) x union all select ');' from dual; June (2) 2007 - SQL and System Views
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog You have many concurrencies in the tables and indexes of the schema MONITOR_DB. Then you decide to modify their initrans like that: - the table A will have initrans 8 and its indexes with initrans 9 - the table XXX will have initrans 6 and its indexes with initrans 7 - the other tables will have initrans 4 and their indexes with initrans 5 You must do ONE single SQL query that compose this. Solution
select 'alter table ' || owner || '.' || table_name || ' initrans ' || decode(table_name, 'A',8, 'XXX', 6, 4) || ';' from dba_tables where owner = 'MONITOR_DB' union all select 'alter index ' || owner || '.' || index_name || ' initrans ' || decode(table_name, 'A',9, 'XXX', 7, 5) || ';' from dba_indexes where owner = 'MONITOR_DB'; June 2007 - Import, Export and Estimated Time
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
You are working in Oracle 9.2 and you want to do a long export of a single schema. You must do a SQL query useful in order to estimate when this export will be finished. The SQL query will be launched during the export and it must to take into account how big are the tables and their lobs. For instance, when you launch the query, you must receive a result like that: EXPORT (tables and lobs): Start: 200706191500 Now : 200706191558 Owner: MPH You are doing the table TR3L (Rate of this table already done: 90%) 3872 MB Done 1655 MB Not Done Yet The export will finish on 20070619 1623When you execute this query you have to write: - the time when you have started the import. In the example above: 200706191500 - the schema name that you want to export. In the example above: MPH - the table_name that is exported in the moment that you launch the query. In the example above: TR3L - the rate of the current table that has been already exported (estimation). In the example above: I have estimated 90%. If you don't know it, write 50. May 2007 - Backup and Estimated Time
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
You are working in Oracle 9.2. and you are doing an hot backup. You do the hot backup (very day) launching a script that do the backup of every tablespace except the temp tablespace. You want to do a SQL query useful to estimate when the backup that now is happening will finish. For example, you want a result like this: Start Backup: 26/05/2007 10.21.19 Now: 26/05/2007 10.24.52 124 M backupped today. 989 M missing. Estimated finish time: 26/05/2007 10.53.11Remember that you work in Oracle 9.2 than you can use the "WITH clause" in order to have a query more efficient. April 2007 - Index Rebuild
Level (*) : 1 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
You want to do a SQL query that creates the commands useful to do the rebuild of any index (not SYS or SYSTEM's indexes) not partitioned that have more than 100 extents. In that rebuild you want to put the storage and the tablespace that the index had before the rebuild. For example, if you launch the SQL the result is this: alter index MONITOR_DB.XXX2_IDX rebuild storage (initial 786432) tablespace USERS; alter index MONITOR_DB.XXX_IDX rebuild storage (initial 7340032) tablespace PROVA_STRIPE; alter index MONITOR_DB.A_IDX rebuild storage (initial 23068672) tablespace USERS; Solution
select 'alter index ' || owner || '.' || segment_name || ' rebuild storage (initial ' || bytes || ') tablespace ' || tablespace_name || ';' from dba_segments a where segment_type = 'INDEX' and owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM') and extents > 100; March 2007 - Use Indexes
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : Prog
We are thinking to create an b-tree index in the ID_MOV column on the PIPPO table. We have to calculate if that index could be selective, or not. We don't want to do any statistics and we don't want to look at any dictionary views. Then we decide to do a query and in that query we also want to calculate how many rows are in the PIPPO table. Then you have to find the right query and you have to say one important init parameter that the optimizer use to decide if it is better to do a Full Table Scan or to use an index. Solution
This is the right query: SELECT count(1), count(distinct ID_MOV ), 100 / count(distinct ID_MOV ) || ' %' pct_selettivo FROM pippo; Explanation: - first column: the rows in the table - second column: the distinct value in the column ID_MOV - last column: the average percentage (of the total rows) selected with a single ID_MOV value Then you also have be careful at the distribution of the value in the ID_MOV. Here we suppose that the distribution is uniform. However if the last column of the result is less than 2-5% it could be good to add an index. But this decision also depends on: - how big is every table row: if the row is big, the Full Table Scan (FTS) is more probably heavy - the init parameter db_file_multiblock_read_count: if it is big, the FTS is more probably good in the small table: in the big table is very difficult that the FTS is good February 2007 - Administration
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
After one db creation, it's a good idea to create a "superuser" on the db. This superuser is useful because you can use it in order to do normal administrative taskes (instead of using SYS or SYSTEM) and because in his schema you can put customized procedures or tables that are important to automatic checkes or taskes on the db. Find the syntax in order to create that user, his grants and a dedicated tablespace for it. Do it for Oracle 8.0, Oracle 8i, Oracle 9i and Oracle 10g. Solution
Dedicated tablespace: oracle 8.0: create tablespace monitor datafile ‘D:\ORACLE\DATABASE\MONIT_01.ORA' -- for example size 50M default storage (initial 64k next 128k pctincrease 0); oracle 8i: create tablespace monitor datafile 'D:\ORACLE\DATABASE\MONIT_01.ORA' -- for example size 50M extent management local; oracle 9i/10g: create tablespace monitor datafile 'D:\ORACLE\DATABASE\MONIT_01.ORA' -- for example size 50M extent management local segment space management auto; User script: oracle 8.0/8i/9i/10g: create user monitor_db identified by January (2) 2007 - Trace and TKPROF
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : Prog
In the schema SCOTT there is the procedure pr_pippo. This procedure do many operations and we would tune it in order to have it faster. Then we decide to do a trace of that procedure and after use the tkprof. How you can do this steps? Solution
In order to do a trace of a procedure you must have the execute privilege on that procedure: Then as SYS you have to do: grant execute on sys.dbms_system to scott; In order to have also the CPU statistics and the elapsed_time you must have the init parameter timed_statistics=true. After this, you can do the trace of the procedure: declare v_sid integer; v_serial integer; begin select sid, serial# into v_sid, v_serial from v$session where audsid = userenv ('sessionid'); sys.dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session (v_sid, v_serial, true); pr_pippo; sys.dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session (v_sid, v_serial, false); end; So Oracle create the trace file (e.g., called ora00696.trc) on the user_dump_dest. In the end, from the command line you launch the tkprof in order to understand easily the trace file. Here an example: tkprof ora00696.trc sys=no sort=execu output=pr_pippo_execu.log The result of this example is: - you don’t have the recursive SQL (sys=no) - ordered by the number of data blocks read from SGA to execute the statement (sort=execu) - saved in the file pr_pippo_execu.log January 2007 - DOS commands & DB Administration
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA We have an Oracle db on a Windows machine not in cluster. We want to create a batch file that every month do these: - rename the alert log and zip it (i.e. from alert_orcl10.log to - compress the trace files contained in bdump to a unique zip - compress the trace files contained in udump to a unique zip - rename the listener.log and zip it (without stopping the listener service) Warning: ALL these operations can happen while the users are working on the db. This exercise is usefull also because you can see some IMPORTANT activities in the db maintainance (in Windows and in Unix) December 2006 - Strangenesses in the Oracle Administration
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
1° Case: We are in Oracle 9i. During the SGA tuning, from the dynamic views we calculate the Library Cache Hit Ratio: the result is -1,5%. Why the hit ratio is negative?? 2° Case: We are in Oracle 8i and we have the db in ARCHIVELOG mode. On the db, there are constantly about 100 redo log switches a day. The last log sequence number is 80000. In about 100 days time, which strange thing could happen to the archived log? Solution
1° Case: To calculate the library cache hit ratio : select 100*sum(reloads)/sum(pins) from v$librarycache; The hit ratio can be negative because of the Oracle bug 2171066. In our case the right value of the metric will be +1,5%. Then if you have negative metrics, the right value is with the opposite sign. 2° Case: You have this problem only if the log_archive_format is similar this: %%ORACLE_SID%%_%S.ARC. To be precise, with the %S. You don’t have this problem if log_archive_format has the s like this: %s. The effect of that problem is on the archived log names: In our case, in 100 days time the log sequence number will be about 180000. And with the log sequence number 100000, the archive will have a name similar this ORCL_00000.ARC (instead of ORCL_100000.ARC). And with the log sequence number 100001, the archive will have a name similar this ORCL_00001.ARC (instead of ORCL_100001.ARC). Etc… So, if the log sequence number is longer than 5 digits, the archive log name will be truncated. However, this is not necessarily a problem for the Backup and Restore but it’s better to take into account of this problem (according someone, this is a real Oracle bug). You can see details on the metalink note 125146.1. November 2006 - PL/SQL and System Tables
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
We are in Oracle 9i. We want to do a PLSQL procedure. When you execute that procedure, you receive (through the dbms_output) an analysis of all the tablespaces like this: TbsName MB_Tot MB_Used %_Used Autoext Bl_size Pct_Inc Contents Ext_Mana Allocat_tp Segm_sp TEMP 1096 1096 100 YES 8192 0 TEMPORARY LOCAL UNIFORM MANUAL EXAMPLE 148,7 149 99,9 YES 8192 PERMANENT LOCAL SYSTEM AUTO LORIS_T 600 595 99,1 YES 16384 0 PERMANENT LOCAL UNIFORM AUTO SYSTEM 470 461 98 YES 8192 PERMANENT LOCAL SYSTEM MANUAL XDB 46,8 44 94,4 YES 8192 PERMANENT LOCAL SYSTEM AUTO CWMLITE 20 18 87,8 YES 8192 PERMANENT LOCAL SYSTEM AUTO TOOLS 10 6 60,6 YES 8192 PERMANENT LOCAL SYSTEM AUTO DRSYS 20 10 48,4 YES 8192 PERMANENT LOCAL SYSTEM AUTO ODM 20 9 46,6 YES 8192 PERMANENT LOCAL SYSTEM AUTO UNDOTBS 2770 70 2,5 YES 8192 UNDO LOCAL SYSTEM MANUAL MONITOR 100 0 ,1 NO 8192 PERMANENT LOCAL SYSTEM AUTO Solution
According this procedure, a tablespace is autoextensible <=> at least one of its datafiles is autoextensible : Create procedure pr_tbs_92 is v_cont pls_integer := 0; begin dbms_output.put_line (' Tablespace_Name MB_Tot MB_Used %_Used Autoext Bl_size Pct_Incr Contents' || ' Ext_Managem Allocat_type Segm_sp_manag'); for rec in ( select rpad(b.tablespace_name, 25) || lpad(Mbytes_alloc,8) || lpad(round(Mbytes_alloc-nvl(Mbytes_free,0)),8) || lpad(round(((Mbytes_alloc-nvl(Mbytes_free,0))/ Mbytes_alloc)*100,1),8) || ' ' || rpad(decode(autoext,0,'NO ', 'YES'),4) || lpad(c.block_size,9) || lpad(nvl(to_char(c.pct_increase),' '),8) || ' ' || rpad(c.contents,12) || ' ' || rpad(c.extent_management,13) || rpad(c.allocation_type,13) || c.segment_space_management all_columns from ( select sum(bytes)/1048576 Mbytes_free, tablespace_name from sys.dba_free_space group by tablespace_name ) a, ( select sum(bytes)/1048576 Mbytes_alloc, sum(decode(autoextensible,'YES',1,0)) autoext, tablespace_name from sys.dba_data_files group by tablespace_name union all select sum(bytes)/1048576 Mbytes_alloc, sum(decode(autoextensible,'YES',1,0)) autoext, tablespace_name from sys.dba_temp_files group by tablespace_name ) b, dba_tablespaces c where a.tablespace_name (+) = b.tablespace_name and c.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name order by (Mbytes_alloc-nvl(Mbytes_free,0))/ Mbytes_alloc desc ) loop v_cont := v_cont+1; if mod(v_cont,5) = 1 then dbms_output.new_line; end if; dbms_output.put_line(' ' || rec.all_columns); end loop; end pr_tbs_92; October 2006 - SQL and UNIX
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
We are in Oracle 9i on a Sun Solaris machine. We want to move a datafile (belonging to the USERS tablespace) without doing an istance shutdown. The name and the path of the datafile is '/old/dbfile1.bdf'. And we want to move it in '/new/dbfile1.bdf'. Which steps you have to do? And if you wanted just rename it in dbfile2.dbf without changing location? Solution
1. check to have db backups (useful if you have any problems) 2. say to the db users that could not accede to some db information 3. put OFFILINE the tablespace users: ALTER TABLESPACE users OFFLINE; 4. move the file through the O.S. commands. In Unix: move '/old/dbfile1.dbf' '/new/dbfile1.dbf' 5. Oracle will have to point to the new file: ALTER TABLESPACE users RENAME DATAFILE '/old/dbfile1.dbf' TO '/new/dbfile1.dbf'; 6. put ONLINE the tablespace users: ALTER TABLESPACE users ONLINE; If you wanted rename the file without changing the location, you had to do the same steps. September 2006 - SQL and SYSTEM TABLES
Level (*) : 1 Topic (*) : DBA
We want to do a query that show how many space is used in the tablespaces that we have in our instance. This query must be suitable in Oracle 8, 8i, 9i and 10g. For instance, the result must be like this:
I use the views$ts_used and$ts_free: select b.tablespace_name, round(a.bytes/1048576) "MB Used", round((a.bytes+b.bytes)/1048576) "MB Tot", round(100*a.bytes/(a.bytes+b.bytes),1) "Percent Used" from$ts_used a,$ts_free b where a.tablespace_name (+) = b.tablespace_name order by round(100*a.bytes/(a.bytes+b.bytes),1) desc; August 2006 - PL/SQL
Level (*) : 1 Topic (*) : Prog
We are in Oracle 8i and the optimizer is RBO. We have a query on 4 tables (t1, t2, t3, t4) and, because of the RBO optimizer, the tables order on the "FROM clause" of the query can change the explain plan. We want to do a little plsql program where in input you put the 4 tables name and in output (through the dbms_output) you have: from t1, t2, t3, t4 from t1, t2, t4, t3 from t1, t3, t2, t4 from t1, t3, t4, t2 from t1, t4, t2, t3 from t1, t4, t3, t2 from t2, t1, t3, t4 from t2, t1, t4, t3 from t2, t3, t1, t4 from t2, t3, t4, t1 from t2, t4, t1, t3 from t2, t4, t3, t1 from t3, t1, t2, t4 from t3, t1, t4, t2 from t3, t2, t1, t4 from t3, t2, t4, t1 from t3, t4, t1, t2 from t3, t4, t2, t1 from t4, t1, t2, t3 from t4, t1, t3, t2 from t4, t2, t1, t3 from t4, t2, t3, t1 from t4, t3, t1, t2 from t4, t3, t2, t1Through this output, you can prepare 24 queries and you can see which of these queries has the best explain plan (or you can see which of these queries is faster). Solution
I use a varray: declare type sequenzaTab is varray(10) of varchar2(80); elencoTab sequenzaTab:= sequenzaTab( 't1' ,'t2' ,'t3' ,'t4' ); begin for d in 1..elencoTab.count loop for c in 1..elencoTab.count loop for b in 1..elencoTab.count loop for a in 1..elencoTab.count loop if elencoTab(a) != elencoTab(b) and elencoTab(a) != elencoTab(c) and elencoTab(b) != elencoTab(c) and elencoTab(a) != elencoTab(d) and elencoTab(b) != elencoTab(d) and elencoTab(c) != elencoTab(d) then dbms_output.put_line ('from ' || elencoTab(d) || ', ' || elencoTab(c) || ', ' || elencoTab(b) || ', ' || elencoTab(a)); end if; end loop; end loop; end loop; end loop; end; July (2) 2006 - Number of brackets
Level (*) : 1 Topic (*) : Prog Sometimes you do a big query and you don't know anymore if the number of the opened brackets and the number of the closed braket are the same (so you could receive an error from the query during its parsing). You must do a little plsql program that, having in input the query to check, calculate the number of opened brackets and the number of the closed brackets on in the query. For example, we want a result (through the dbms_output) such as this: Opened: 6 Closed: 5 Solution
The opened brackets has ascii 40. The closed brackets has ascii 41. This procedure is easily suitable to find any character (you just have to know its ascii). declare -- !!! IF YOU HAVE ' YOU MUST CHANGE IT IN '' v_ascii pls_integer := 0; v_aperta pls_integer := 0; v_chiusa pls_integer := 0; a varchar2(2000):= ' select dbms_xmlgen.getxml ( ctx => dbms_xmlgen.newContext ( ''select xmlelement ("Catal", cd_catalog, xmlForest (clingua as "Ling", pr_item as "Item", cd_feat as "Feat") ) from a2''), tmpclob => ''select xmlelement ("Catal", cd_catalog, xmlForest (clingua as "Ling", pr_item as "Item", cd_feat as "Feat") ) from a2'' from dual '; begin for i in 1..length(a) loop v_ascii := ascii(substr(a,i,1)); if v_ascii = 40 then v_aperta := v_aperta+1; elsif v_ascii = 41 then v_chiusa := v_chiusa+1; end if; end loop; dbms_output.put_line ('Opened: ' || v_aperta); dbms_output.put_line ('Closed: ' || v_chiusa); end; July 2006 - SQL and System Views
Level (*) : 1 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
We are in Oracle9i (then in the db you can have more than one block size). All the tables in your schema has the own statistics. You must do a query in order to find the following information of those tables (not partitioned): - table name - number of rows - space allocated (in KB) - space used (in KB) - empty space (that is space allocated = space used + empty space) - how big is the average row (in bytes) - the date of the last analysis And you have to find a query with the same result but on Oracle 8i. Solution
I use the user_tables and the dba_tablespaces: select a.table_name, a.num_rows "Number of Rows", (a.blocks+empty_blocks) * (select block_size/1024 from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name) KB_Allocated, (a.blocks) * (select block_size/1024 from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name) "KB Used", a.empty_blocks * (select block_size/1024 from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name) "KB Empty", avg_row_len "Avg_row_len", a.last_analyzed "Last_analyzed" from user_tables a where a.partitioned = 'NO'; In Oracle 8i, the subquery inside the query must be this: select value/1024 from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_size' June 2006 - SQL and System Views
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
We are in Oracle8i (then we don't have the package dbms_metadata). You have to find a SQL query that create scripts useful to re-create the views belonging to a schema. For instance, launching this query about the schema SYS, a part of the result is this: create or replace view SYS.ALL_APPLY_CONFLICT_COLUMNS as select c.object_owner, c.object_name, c.method_name, c.resolution_column, c.column_name, c.apply_database_link from dba_apply_conflict_columns c, all_tables o where c.object_owner = o.owner and c.object_name = o.table_name ;You must see the result through Sql*Plus. Solution
In Sql*Plus in order to see 2000 characters of the LONG columns you have to launch: set long 2000 And this is the query: select 'create or replace view ' start_create ,a.owner || '.' || a.view_name complete_name ,' as ' congiunzione , text , ';' from dba_views a where owner = '&user'; May 2006 - SQL and System Views
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
We are in Oracle9i and we are connected as SYSTEM. You have to do a PL/SQL script that create some commands (through the dbms_output). The execution of these commands must:
set serveroutput on declare cursor cur is select owner, a.table_name from DBA_TABLES a where a.owner = 'SCOTT' order by a.table_name; begin dbms_output.put_line('set lines 200'); dbms_output.put_line('set pages 1000000'); dbms_output.put_line('set head off'); -- so you haven’t the columns name -- LOOP for rec in cur loop dbms_output.put_line('SPOOL d:/temp/' || rec.owner || '__' || rec.table_name || '.LST;'); dbms_output.put_line('SELECT * FROM ' || rec.owner || '.' || rec.table_name || ';'); dbms_output.put_line('SPOOL off;'); end loop; end; In my db, its result is this: set lines 200 set pages 1000000 set head off SPOOL d:/temp/SCOTT__BONUS.LST; SELECT * FROM SCOTT.BONUS; SPOOL off; SPOOL d:/temp/SCOTT__DEPT.LST; SELECT * FROM SCOTT.DEPT; SPOOL off; SPOOL d:/temp/SCOTT__EMP.LST; SELECT * FROM SCOTT.EMP; SPOOL off; SPOOL d:/temp/SCOTT__SALGRADE.LST; SELECT * FROM SCOTT.SALGRADE; SPOOL off; Launching this, you will create 4 files. April 2006 - SQL and System Views
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
We are in Oracle9i and we are connected as SYSTEM. On the schema SCOTT we have just created the same views that are in schema LORIS. All the LORIS and SCOTT's views read from the LORIS' tables. You must do a query that create the SQL that SYSTEM must launch in order to give SCOTT the privileges to read all the LORIS tables that are referenced from the views. For instance, LORIS have the SALES view and this view reference the tables CUSTOMER, ITEM, ORD and PRODUCT; then we want that the query give this result: grant select on LORIS.CUSTOMER to SCOTT; grant select on LORIS.ITEM to SCOTT; grant select on LORIS.ORD to SCOTT; grant select on LORIS.PRODUCT to SCOTT; Solution
In the dba_dependencies you can see which tables are referenced from the views: select distinct 'grant select on ' || b.referenced_owner || '.' || b.referenced_name || ' to SCOTT;' grant_select from dba_views a, dba_dependencies b where a.owner = 'LORIS' and b.owner = 'LORIS' and a.view_name =; March (2) 2006 - Increase the use of a narrow column
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : Prog We are in Oracle9i. We have the table TAB_NUM with a numeric column that contain maximum the value 30.000.000 We know that this maximum value is not going to increase really much. All of the values of this column must be inserted in a varchar2(5) column in the table TAB_CHAR. This column can't be enlarged because of some applications that use it. You must do an Oracle procedure that convert a number (maximum value: 50-60 million) in a string with 5 characters. For example, my solution return these results: fz(1) -> '00001' fz(60111000) -> 'ZSDY0' March 2006 - PL/SQL and System Views
Level (*) : 1 Topic (*) : Prog
We are in Oracle9i without statistics on the tables. You have to do an anonymous block that calculate how many rows are in the tables of the user that launch this block. For instance, we want (through the dbms_output) a result like this: Date: 05/03/2006 16:48 User Analyzed: LASSI ITEM: 64 ORD: 21 PIPPO: more than 1000 PLAN_TABLE: 0 Tables Analyzed: 4As you can see, the tables with more than 1000 rows must be marked with the sentence "more than 1000". You have to solve the problem reading the system views and using the "execute immediate" . Solution
declare cursor cur is select* from user_tables; rec cur%rowtype; v_select varchar2(2000); v_count pls_integer := 0; begin -- HEAD LINES dbms_output.put_line ('Date: ' || to_char(sysdate, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi')); dbms_output.put_line ('User Analyzed: ' || user); dbms_output.new_line; -- WE WANT TO WRITE HOW MANY TABLES WE HAVE ANALYZED, THEN I PREFER DON’T USE THE -- “FOR..LOOP” (PERFORMANCE REASONS) open cur; loop fetch cur into rec; exit when cur%notfound; v_select := 'select count(*) from ' || rec.table_name || ' where rownum<=1001'; execute immediate v_select into v_count; if v_count>1000 then dbms_output.put_line (rec.table_name || ': more than 1000'); else dbms_output.put_line (rec.table_name || ': ' || v_count); end if; end loop; dbms_output.new_line; dbms_output.put_line ('Tables Analyzed: ' || cur%rowcount); close cur; end; February 2006 - SQL and System Views
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : Prog
We have a table like this:
An SQL wrote like this is useful because make the code easily readable. But in order to write an SQL long like this, you spend a lot of time and you could forget to write some columns. Then you must write a template that, having in input the tablename that you want to fill up, create an SQL INSERT as that one above (included the rows "insert..." and "values (". That template must be done in SQL. January 2006 - Duplicate the users
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA We have the instance dblor and from it, we want to take information about some users in order to recreate them in one another instance. In order to do it, we use a PL/SQL anonymous block that will write, through dbms_output, all the SQL commands that after you can launch. For example, launching the block in my db, I obtain: -- ************************************************************* -- Purpose : CREATE THE SCRIPTS OF SOME EXISTING USERS IN THE INSTANCE -- Date : 28/01/2006 13:28 -- Instance : dblor -- ************************************************************* -- USERS INVOLVED -------------------------------------------- These are the users that meet the condition put in the main cursor: 1 LORIS 2 LORIS2 -- SCRIPTS FOR THE USER CREATION ----------------------------- create user LORIS identified by values '2570FE42941FF4FF' default tablespace USERS temporary tablespace TEMP profile DEFAULT ; create user LORIS2 identified by values 'F894844C34402B67' default tablespace SYSTEM temporary tablespace TEMP profile DEFAULT ; -- SYSTEM PRIVILEGES -------------------------------------------- These are the system privileges directly assigned to the users: grant UNLIMITED TABLESPACE to LORIS; grant UNLIMITED TABLESPACE to LORIS2; -- ASSIGN ROLE PRIVILEGES --------------------------------------- Attention: I don't display the object privileges not assigned through roles! grant DBA to LORIS; grant LORIS_USERS to LORIS; grant DBA to LORIS2; grant LORIS_USERS to LORIS2; grant AQ_USER_ROLE to LORIS2; -- ASSIGN DEFAULT ROLE ------------------------------------------ Here I get disabled some roles assigned previously: alter user LORIS2 default role all except DBA ,AQ_USER_ROLE ;Details: In the program you have to declare: - the username if you want to get information about one user; or - the role belonging to many users if u want to get information about the role In the example above, I have the role LORIS_USERS that have associated the users LORIS and LORIS2. The procedure is suitable also in old Oracle releases such as Oracle 8.0. The new users that you'll create must have the same password of the old users (even if you don't know that password). In the example below, I launch the procedure only for the user LORIS: -- ************************************************************* -- Purpose : CREATE THE SCRIPTS OF SOME EXISTING USERS IN THE INSTANCE -- Date : 28/01/2006 14:12 -- Instance : dblor -- ************************************************************* -- USERS INVOLVED -------------------------------------------- These are the users that meet the condition put in the main cursor: 1 LORIS -- SCRIPTS FOR THE USER CREATION ----------------------------- create user LORIS identified by values '2570FE42941FF4FF' default tablespace USERS temporary tablespace TEMP profile DEFAULT ; -- SYSTEM PRIVILEGES -------------------------------------------- These are the system privileges assigned directly to the users: grant UNLIMITED TABLESPACE to LORIS; -- ASSIGN ROLE PRIVILEGES --------------------------------------- Attention: I don't display the object privileges not assigned through roles! grant DBA to LORIS; grant LORIS_USERS to LORIS; -- ASSIGN DEFAULT ROLE ------------------------------------------ Here I get disabled some roles assigned previously:Note: The part where the roles are get disabled is probably the most difficult. Especially if the roles to get disabled are more than one. December (2) 2005 - SQL and Features Oracle9i
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : Prog
We are in Oracle9i and we have a table like this:
create table telefoni ( cod_cliente varchar2(8), contatore number, tel varchar2(12) ); ALTER TABLE telefoni ADD CONSTRAINT telefoni_pk PRIMARY KEY (cod_cliente, contatore);We insert some rows in this table: insert into telefoni values ('AAAAA', 1, '01/11111'); insert into telefoni values ('AAAAA', 2, '01/22222'); insert into telefoni values ('AAAAA', 3, '01/33333'); insert into telefoni values ('BBBBB', 1, '01/44444'); insert into telefoni values ('CCCCC', 1, '01/55555'); insert into telefoni values ('CCCCC', 2, '01/66666'); We want a query that, given a cod_cliente, show in a row all his telephones (separated by commas). For instance, if we want to know the telephones of the cod_cliente='AAAAA', then the query result must be this:
For the cod_cliente BBBBB we want:
December 2005 - SQL and Oracle9i Features
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : Prog (*) Level: 1: easy solution 2: medium solution 3: hard (or long) solution Topic: DBA: quiz usually suitable for DBAs Progr: quiz usually suitable for PL/SQL or SQL Programmers DBA/Progr: quiz suitable for DBAs and for Programmers