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If it is not specified, the commands must be executed connected as SYS. About the solutions: - could be more than one. Here is one solution that often takes into account of the performance tuning - they could change because of the Oracle version (eg. Oracle 8.0 is quite different than Oracle 11g!) - it is not warranted to be error-free in all the Oracle environments December 2014 - Db Objects
Level (*) : 1 Topic (*) : DBA You have to find a query useful to find the objects created in the last 3 hours. Result example: OWNER OBJECT_NAME SUBOBJECT_NAME OBJECT_TYPE CREATED ------- ------------ --------------- ------------ -------------- LASSI DIM_CIN VIEW 20141216 14:36 LASSI FACT_IDX INDEX 20141216 14:09 LASSI2 FACT INDEX 20141216 14:08 Solution
You should use the DBA_OBJECTS view: SELECT owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_type, created FROM dba_objects WHERE created>sysdate-3/24;
November 2014 - Invalid indexes
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA/Progr You have to find 3 queries that write the SQL commands to rebuild the invalid indexes contained in LASSI schema. Query 1: it is about the not-partitioned indexes. Result example: COMMAND ------------------------------------ alter index LASSI.DIMIC_PK rebuild; alter index LASSI.LOGMSG_IDX rebuild;Query 2: it is about the partitioned indexes. Result example: COMMAND ------------------------------------------------------- alter index LASSI.FSE_IDX rebuild partition P_20141029; alter index LASSI.FTR_IDX rebuild partition P_20141030;Query 3: it is about the subpartitioned indexes. Result example: COMMAND ----------------------------------------------------------- alter index LASSI.FS_IDX rebuild subpartition P_20141111_1; alter index LASSI.FT_IDX rebuild subpartition P_20141111_2; Solution
You can use these 3 queries: SELECT 'alter index ' || owner || '.' || index_name || ' rebuild;' FROM dba_indexes WHERE owner = 'LASSI' and status = 'UNUSABLE'; SELECT 'alter index ' || index_owner || '.' || index_name || ' rebuild partition ' || partition_name || ';' FROM dba_ind_partitions WHERE index_owner = 'LASSI' and status = 'UNUSABLE'; SELECT 'alter index ' || index_owner || '.' || index_name || ' rebuild subpartition ' || subpartition_name || ' parallel 4;' -- It doesn't change the index degree! FROM dba_ind_subpartitions WHERE index_owner = 'LASSI' AND STATUS = 'UNUSABLE';
October 2014 - Oracle dictionary
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA/Progr You have to find 2 queries that, using a TABLE_NAME, find out which indexes it has and in which columns they are. Example: In the db, you have 2 tables called FMAP: one in the schema LA and one in the schema XXX. The result of the queries must be something like this: TABLENAME INDEXNAME INDEX_TYPE UNIQUENES BLEVEL DistinctKeys LAST_ANAL PARTITIONED --------- ----------- ----------- --------- ------- ------------ --------- ----------- LA.FMAP LA.FMAP_IDX NORMAL NONUNIQUE 2 12589039 14-OTT-14 NO XXX.FMAP XXX.FMAP_PK NORMAL UNIQUE 2 65640917 13-OTT-14 NO TABLENAME INDEXNAME Column_name C_Position --------- ------------ ------------- ---------- LA.FMAP LA.FMAP_IDX AOD 1 LA.FMAP LA.FMAP_IDX LE 2 LA.FMAP LA.FMAP_IDX RIC 3 XXX.FMAP XXX.FMAP_PK AOD 1 XXX.FMAP XXX.FMAP_PK LE 2 XXX.FMAP XXX.FMAP_PK VAR_SCEN 3 XXX.FMAP XXX.FMAP_PK NAME 4
September 2014 - Materialized views
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA/Progr You work in an Oracle 11.2 database and looking at an AWR report, you see that some of the "Top SQL Statements" are DELETE commands on materialized views. After an investigation, you get that this happens during their refresh. Using the DBMS_MVIEW package, how can you transform these DELETEs in TRUNCATE commands? And tell one MOS (metalink) note that explains it.
August 2014 - Crontab
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA You see an Oracle db in a Linux machine. In the crontab, you have this row: 00 1 * * * /app/ora11/data/STAT/analyze.ksh > /app/ora11/data/STAT/stat.nohup 2>&1So, when this script is launched? Solution
The script will be launched every day at 1 am. This is the meaning of the crontab format : * * * * * * | | | | | | | | | | | +-- Year (range: 1900-3000) | | | | +---- Day of the Week (range: 1-7, 1 standing for Monday) | | | +------ Month of the Year (range: 1-12) | | +-------- Day of the Month (range: 1-31) | +---------- Hour (range: 0-23) +------------ Minute (range: 0-59)
July 2014 - Global Indexes
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA You have to find a query useful to find the global indexes (and their size) contained in the LASSI schema inside your database.
June 2014 - Partitioned Table
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA You are in Oracle 11.2 and you want to create an interval-partitioned table. The table, called T1, has these columns: AOD integer, cod varchar2(10), cvalue numberIn the AOD column there are integer values instead of date values. For example in this column, you have values such as 20131201, 20140101, 20140102, 20140201, etc. You want the partitioning key is the column AOD and you want a partition every year from 2013. So you'll have the value 20131201 in the p2013 partition, the values 20140101, 20140102 and 20140201 in p2014 partition, etc... Write the T1 table (interval-partitioned by AOD column) creation script. Solution
The T1 creation script could be: CREATE TABLE t1 ( aod INTEGER NOT NULL, cod VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, cvalue NUMBER ) PARTITION BY RANGE (aod) INTERVAL(10000) ( PARTITION p2013 VALUES LESS THAN (20140101) );
May 2014 - Sql_id and explain access plan
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA You are working in an Oracle RAC db. You have the query identified by sql_id = 3s0kd398u2pxx. Using the AWR tables, you have to find a query in order to know if in the last 2 days this sql_id has changed explain access plan. For example, you want a result like this: SNAP_ID NODE BEGIN_INTERVAL END_INTERVAL PlanHashVal EXECUTS AvgBufGets Avg_DiskRds ------- ---- -------------- -------------- ----------- ------- ----------- ----------- Sql_id 3s0kd398u2pxj 845 2 20140522 12.00 20140522 12.26 3847028022 1 811,955 0 851 2 20140522 16.04 20140522 17.00 2247069225 1 515,732 21,028 852 1 20140522 17.00 20140522 18.00 2247069225 1 525,600 2 852 2 20140522 17.00 20140522 18.00 617702193 1 1,257,942 0 852 2 20140522 17.00 20140522 18.00 2247069225 1 523,476 0 872 1 20140523 13.00 20140523 14.00 530248343 0 93,634,900 195,400
April 2014 - Instances in a RAC
Level (*) : 1 Topic (*) : DBA You are working in an Oracle RAC with 2 instances. You want to know some simple info about them. So you have to find out the query in order to know this info: INSTANCE_NAME HOST_NAME STARTUP_TIME -------------- ----------- ------------------ expo_i1 lorsvil61 17-APR-14 18:07:45 expo_i2 lorsvil62 30-MAR-14 19:53:48 Solution
You should use the global view GV$INSTANCE: SELECT instance_name, host_name, startup_time FROM gv$instance;
March 2014 - Partitioned Tables
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : Progr In your db, you have many partitioned tables with RANGE partitions: one partition a day. Example: TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME -------------- ---------------- U1.TAB_LOR TAB_LOR_20131201 U1.TAB_LOR TAB_LOR_20131202 ... U1.TAB_LOR TAB_LOR_20140331 U1.TAB_LOR TAB_LOR_20140401 ... U1.TAB_LOR TAB_LOR_PMAX U2.TA_PIPPO PART_20131201 U2.TA_PIPPO PART_20131202 ... U2.TA_PIPPO PART_20140331 U2.TA_PIPPO PART_PMAXThe rules about the partition names are: - at the end of the name is the date (partition key) - every table have a partition, with high_value MAXVALUE, named %PMAX. You have to write a query to check if all the tables have all the partitions from this month until Aug-2013. You must check it for all the partitioned (and/or subpartitioned) tables on U1 and U2 schemas. For example, you result must be something like this: TABLENAME 201308 09 10 11 12 201401 02 03 04 ---------- -------- ----- ----- ----- ----- -------- ----- ----- ----- U1.TAB_LOR 31 30 31 30 31 31 28 31 19 U1.TAB_TEST 31 30 31 30 31 31 28 31 30 U2.TA_PIPPO 0 0 12 30 31 31 28 31 0 U2.EXPO 0 30 31 30 31 31 28 31 30
February 2014 - O.S. files visible from db
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : Progr From the database, you want to see which O.S. files are in a directory, their size and the time of the last update of them. You have decided to do it using Java. You want to write these information inside a table like this: FILENAME SIZE FILE_TIME ---------------------- ------- ------------------ LASSI_VAR_ERR.csv 39 20-FEB-14 15:47:03 MANUALIORACLE_26.log 8136 04-FEB-14 10:37:28 LORIS_26932.log 20523 06-FEB-14 16:38:14Explain all the steps you have to do in order to obtain it. And write the Oracle grants you need.
January 2014 - Space Allocation
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA Ten minutes ago you have created the empty table TAB1. You check inside the dictionary views, so you find the TAB1 inside the DBA_TABLES and the DBA_OBJECTS. But you don't find it inside the DBA_SEGMENTS. Questions: - which Oracle feature do it? - from which Oracle version can it happen? - which Oracle parameter you should modify in order to change this behaviour (as the older Oracle version)? - if a single row is inserted into TAB1 and after you do a "truncate" of it, do you find TAB1 in the DBA_SEGMENTS? Solution
Answers: - deferred segment creation feature - from 11g release 2 - deferred_segment_creation parameter - yes, the table will be inside the DBA_SEGMENTS
December 2013 - Platform
Level (*) : 1 Topic (*) : DBA Which query can you do in order to see the Operating System in your Oracle server? For example, you must have a result like this: PLATFORM_NAME ---------------------------- Microsoft Windows x86 64-bit Solution
You should use the V$DATABASE view: SELECT platform_name FROM v$database;
November 2013 - Pmon in Solaris
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA You work in some Unix-like machines. In all of them, you have a db called DBLOR. The owner of the db files is called osdblor but you start the dbs with a user called ordblor. If you want to see who has started the dbs, usually you correctly see this: lormachine > ps -ef | grep pmon ordblor 3095 1 0 Oct31 ? 00:30:57 ora_pmon_DBLORBut in the Solaris machine, you see this "wrong" information: lormachine > ps -ef | grep pmon osdblor 3095 1 0 Oct31 ? 00:30:57 ora_pmon_DBLORIf you check the listener process doing "ps -ef | grep tns", you don't have this problem. Why this happens with the pmon process and not with the listener process? Instead using "ps -ef", how can you see the correct information in Solaris?
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA Your database is in Oracle 11.2 and you want to change the parameters contained in the view NLS_INSTANCE_PARAMETERS. How can you do it? Show all steps useful to do it.
September 2013 - AWR
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA These questions are about the AWR and its management through SQL*Plus : - in which dictionary view can you see the frequence of the snapshots? - how can you change this frequence? for example, if you want to have one snapshot every 30 minutes - how can you do a "manual" snapshot? - you want to launch the script awrrpt.sql about old information (10 days old). How can you do it? Solution
1) You see it in the DBA_HIST_WR_CONTROL view 2) To change the frequence: exec dbms_workload_repository.modify_snapshot_settings (interval => 30) 3) Manual snapshot (you can use it also on the RAC) exec DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.create_snapshot; 4) If you want AWR going back 10 days, before launching the script awrrpt.sql, you can do this: define num_days =10
August 2013 - Index Information
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA You have to write a query in order to find the indexes created during the last month. About these indexes (partitioned and not), you have to find the following information: INDEXNAME OBJECT_TYPE TABLENAME MB START_CREATION ----------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----- -------------- CRP_OWN.IDX_CA_IDX INDEX CRP_OWN.CA_IMPORT 25 20130826 11.36 SYS.WRH$_SQLSTAT_INDEX INDEX PARTITION SYS.WRH$_SQLSTAT 0 20130826 23.20 SYS.WRH$_WAITSTAT_PK INDEX PARTITION SYS.WRH$_WAITSTAT 0 20130826 23.20
July 2013 - Meta Script for RMAN
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA/Progr You have the RMAN recovery catalog database called REP1 in Oracle 10g. In REP1, you have a lot of Oracle users and usually each user contain information about a backed up database. You want to know which Oracle users contain recent information of the backed up databases. E.g. when you launch that query, you have to receive something like: ENVIRONMENT MAX_START_BCK_PIECE ------------- ------------------- RMAN_DB1 RMAN_DB2 2006-02-10 06.53 RMAN_DB3 2006-12-06 14.14 ... RMAN_DB8 2013-07-30 06.10 RMAN_DB9 2013-07-30 07.00
June 2013 - Meta Script for ROLES
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA/Progr You have to find a query useful to give object privileges to the roles SELECT_ROLE and ALL_ROLE. On all the tables of the LASSI schema, this script must give: - grant SELECT to SELECT_ROLE - grant ALL to ALL_ROLE This query must be written to be executed from LASSI or from SYS: E.g. when you launch that query connected as LASSI, you have to receive something like: GRANT_ON_OBJECT --------------------------------------------------------- grant SELECT on PESO_CLIENTI to SELECT_ROLE; grant ALL on PESO_CLIENTI to ALL_ROLE; grant SELECT on VENDITE to SELECT_ROLE; grant ALL on VENDITE to ALL_ROLE; grant SELECT on ATTIVAZIONI to SELECT_ROLE; grant ALL on ATTIVAZIONI to ALL_ROLE; ...And when you launch the same query connected as SYS, you have to receive something like: GRANT_ON_OBJECT --------------------------------------------------------------- grant SELECT on LASSI.PESO_CLIENTI to SELECT_ROLE; grant ALL on LASSI.PESO_CLIENTI to ALL_ROLE; grant SELECT on LASSI.VENDITE to SELECT_ROLE; grant ALL on LASSI.VENDITE to ALL_ROLE; grant SELECT on LASSI.ATTIVAZIONI to SELECT_ROLE; grant ALL on LASSI.ATTIVAZIONI to ALL_ROLE; ...
May 2013 - Role problem
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA/Progr You have to find a query useful to discover when the roles have been created on the db. E.g. When you launch that query, you have to receive something like: ROLE CREATION_TIME ------------- ------------------- CONNECT 18/09/2012 11:36:12 RESOURCE 18/09/2012 11:36:12 DBA 18/09/2012 11:36:12 ... UPDATE_ECOS 23/04/2013 10:41:16 SELECT_EFF 23/04/2013 11:44:44 Solution
You can use this query: SELECT r.role ,to_char(ctime,'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') creation_time FROM dba_roles r, user$ u WHERE r.ROLE = ORDER BY ctime;
April 2013 - EM cloud control
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA You have an EM cloud control In the interface, you see an error like this: EMGC_GCDomain/instance1/ohs1 Target DownHow can you see if that target is really down? If this alert is false, how can you avoid that EM shows it again? Which metalink note show this problem?
March 2013 - Data Guard
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA You have a dataguard environment in Oracle 11.2. You have to find a query that has a result like this: In the primary db ORCL: Instance: ORCL Status: OPEN Startup: 20120912 22.24 NAME DATABASE_ROLE OPEN_MODE PROTECTION_MODE -------------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- SWITCHOVER_STATUS STANDBY_BECAME_PRIMARY_SCN FS_FAILOVER_STATUS FS_FAILOVER_OBSERVER_HOST ------------------ -------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------- Database: ORCL PRIMARY READ WRITE MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE TO STANDBY 10468375 TARGET UNDER LAG LIMIT HOST_075 Instance: ORCL Status: OPEN Startup: 20120912 22.24In the physical standby STDBY: NAME DATABASE_ROLE OPEN_MODE PROTECTION_MODE -------------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- SWITCHOVER_STATUS STANDBY_BECAME_PRIMARY_SCN FS_FAILOVER_STATUS FS_FAILOVER_OBSERVER_HOST ------------------ -------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------- Database: ORCL PHYSICAL STANDBY MOUNTED MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE SWITCHOVER PENDING 0 TARGET UNDER LAG LIMIT HOST_075 Instance: STDBY Status: MOUNTED Startup: 20120912 22.42In order to have a result like this, you should use the UNION operator. Solution
You have to read v$database and v$instance. Then the query is : SELECT 'Database: ' || name name, database_role, open_mode, protection_mode, switchover_over, standby_became_primary_scn, fs_failover_status, fs_failover_observer_host FROM v$database union all SELECT 'Instance: ' || instance_name, 'Status: ' || status, 'Startup: ' || to_char(STARTUP_TIME,'yyyymmdd hh24.mi'), null, null, null, null, null FROM v$instance;
February 2013 - Hidden Parameters
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA You have to find a query in order to see some information about the Oracle hidden parameters that have the string 'shared_p' in their name. The result must be something like this: NAME VALUE DEFAULT TYPE ------------------------------- ------------ --------- -------- __shared_pool_size 1241513984 FALSE 6 _dm_max_shared_pool_pct 1 TRUE number _enable_shared_pool_durations TRUE TRUE boolean _io_shared_pool_size 4194304 TRUE 6 _shared_pool_max_size 0 TRUE 6 _shared_pool_minsize_on FALSE TRUE boolean _shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc 4400 TRUE 6 _shared_pool_reserved_pct 5 TRUE numberAnd, if you want to see all the hidden parameters? Solution
The query is : select a.ksppinm name, b.ksppstvl value, b.ksppstdf default, decode (a.ksppity, 1, 'boolean', 2, 'string', 3, 'number', 4, 'file', a.ksppity) type from sys.x$ksppi a, sys.x$ksppcv b where a.indx = b.indx and a.ksppinm like '\_%' escape '\' and lower(a.ksppinm) like '%shared_p%' order by 1;If you want to see all the parameters, use the same query removing the row and lower(a.ksppinm) like '%shared_p%'
January 2013 - ORA-600 error
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA/Progr Your db is in Oracle You have a SQL statement like this: MERGE INTO table_1 USING ( SELECT a.col_1, b.col_2 FROM tab_2 a, tab_3 b, tab_4 c .... ....Until few days ago, the result was fine but now you receive: ERROR at line 2: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kkmupsViewDestFro_4], [0], [85883], [], []Why now you have the error and before not? Which metalink note explain this error? What is a simple workaround to avoid it?
December 2012 - Fast Copy
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA Your db is in ARCHIVELOG mode. You want to copy the table T1 (table with 100 million rows) in a new table T2 that you have to create (these tables must have the same structure). How can you do this in a very fast way? In the meantime, you want that nobody do changes in the T1, the users can use it just for SELECTs. How can you do this?
November 2012 - ASM
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA Your db uses ASM. You want to get bigger the tablespace TBS_1. Then, you have to check if you have enough free space on the data diskgroup. How can you check this information? And after that, how can you add 8 Gigabytes to the tablespace TBS_1?
October 2012 - Snapshot too old
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA The developers' group ask you to investigate this problem: they launch the procedure pr_problem and they receive the error "ORA-01555: snapshot too old". Which could be the problem? How can you find which is the problem? And which solutions can you apply? Solution
You should check in the alert log file: there, you can find where exactly they receive the error. Usually the possible cases are: - The UNDO tablespace or the undo retention are small: in these cases, the DBA have to get bigger the UNDO tablespace or the undo retention. If, using the db, they receive often the ORA-01555 probably this is the problem. - They have a big transaction: in this case, the developers should use more “commit” or “rollback” in the code - In the pr_problem there is a big query so you should check its explain plan and if you think the explain plan is not good, the developers (or you) should do the performance tuning of the query
September 2012 - Index Details
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA In the db, you have a table called ORDERS. You have to find the queries that shows its index details. Example: The summary of its indexes: TABLENAME INDEXNAME STATUS INDEX_TYPE TABLESP_NAME UNIQUENES ---------------- ------------------ ------- --------------------- ------------ --------- BLEVEL DistinctKeys LAST_ANAL SAMPLE_SIZE INI_TRANS PARTITIONED ------ ------------ --------- ----------- ---------- ----------- LASSI.ORDERS LASSI.IDX_OR N/A NORMAL NONUNIQUE 0 1782052 19-SET-12 136113 YES LASSI.ORDERS LASSI.IDX_PROVA VALID NORMAL TBS_INDEX NONUNIQUE 2 1863974 19-SET-12 41188 30 NO LASSI.ORDERS LASSI.PK_ORDER VALID NORMAL TBS_INDEX UNIQUE 2 1778278 19-SET-12 134368 12 NO LASSI.ORDERS LASSI.CLIENT_NAME VALID FUNCTION-BASED NORMAL TBS_INDEX NONUNIQUE 2 423444 19-SET-12 264726 12 NO Its indexed columns: TABLENAME INDEXNAME Column_name C_Position C_length ------------------------ ---------------------- ------------------ ---------- ---------- LASSI.ORDERS LASSI.IDX_OR OM_SITE_ID 1 22 LASSI.ORDERS LASSI.IDX_PROVA ORDER_ID 1 22 LASSI.ORDERS LASSI.IDX_PROVA ACCOUNT_NUMBER 2 60 LASSI.ORDERS LASSI.IDX_PROVA TECHNOLOGY 3 22 LASSI.ORDERS LASSI.IDX_PROVA STATUS 4 22 LASSI.ORDERS LASSI.PK_ORDER ORDER_B 1 22 LASSI.ORDERS LASSI.CLIENT_NAME SYS_NC00036$ 1 60 The expression of its "function-based" indexes: TABLENAME INDEXNAME COLUMN_EXPRESSION COLUMN_POSITION ------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- LASSI.ORDERS LASSI.CLIENT_NAME UPPER("CLIENT_LAST_NAME") 1 The details of its partitioned indexes: INDEXNAME PARTITION_NAM HIGH_VALUE PARTITION_POSIT TABLESP_NAM STATUS IniTrans ------------ ------------- ------------------ --------------- ----------- ------ -------- LASSI.IDX_OR P136419656_0 13641965, MAXVALUE 1 TBS_INDEX USABLE 2 LASSI.IDX_OR P370794502_0 37079450, MAXVALUE 2 TBS_INDEX USABLE 2 LASSI.IDX_OR P_MX MAXVALUE, MAXVALUE 3 TBS_INDEX USABLE 2 The metadata of its indexes: here is one of them: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "LASSI"."PK_ORDER" ON "LASSI"."ORDERS" ("ORDER_B") PCTFREE 10 INITRANS 12 MAXTRANS 255 COMPUTE STATISTICS STORAGE(INITIAL 9437184 NEXT 1048576 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645 PCTINCREASE 0 FREELISTS 1 FREELIST GROUPS 1 BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT) TABLESPACE "TBS_INDEX"
August 2012 - Expdp Problem
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA Your db is in Oracle You launch expdp and you immediately receive: UDI-31623: operation generated ORACLE error 31623 ORA-31623: a job is not attached to this session via the specified handle ORA-06512: at “SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP”, line 3263 ORA-06512: at “SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP”, line 4488 ORA-06512: at line 1What can you do in order to avoid it? Which metalink note explain it? Solution
You must set the stream pool. Example: alter system set streams_pool_size=40M;You find it on the metalink note 1080775.1 and 457724.1.
July 2012 - Sequence problem
Level (*) : 1 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog You have the sequence LASSI_SEQ and now it is like this: select LASSI_SEQ.nextval from dual; NEXTVAL ------- 10089In this moment, nobody is using this sequence and you want that its nextval value will be 0. You must do it without dropping the sequence. How? Solution
You have to do these steps: - Do an ALTER on the sequence: alter sequence LASSI_SEQ increment by -10089 minvalue 0; - Check the nextval value: select LASSI_SEQ.nextval from dual; NEXTVAL -------- 0 - Do another ALTER on the sequence: alter sequence LASSI_SEQ increment by 1;
June 2012 - Statistic problem
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA You are in Oracle 10g and you have the partitioned table LASSI.PT. Usually, you don't want that Oracle analyze that table. Now you want to analyze it: exec DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS ('LASSI', 'PT'); * ERROR at line 1: ORA-20005: object statistics are locked (stattype = ALL) ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 10640 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 10664 ORA-06512: at line 1So, what you can do to analyzed it? And how can you avoid again that Oracle automatically could analyzed it? Solution
Suppose that the table has 2 partitions: SELECT stattype_locked FROM dba_tab_statistics WHERE table_name = 'PT'; STATT ----- ALL ALL 2 rows.Then you do the unlock of the stats on PT table launching this: exec DBMS_STATS.unlock_table_STATS ('LASSI', 'PT')Check again in dba_tab_statistics: STATT ----- 2 rows.So, now you can do the analyze of the PT table: exec DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats ('LASSI', 'PT')Now, to lock again the statistics gathering: exec DBMS_STATS.lock_table_STATS ('LASSI', 'PT');Check: SELECT stattype_locked FROM dba_tab_statistics WHERE table_name = 'PT'; STATT ----- ALL ALL
May 2012 - Profile problem
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA You are in Oracle 10g and you have the Oracle user LASSI with the profile PROF_1. To the user LASSI, you want to give the password lassi1 but you receive the error ORA-28007: the password cannot be reusedYou want to use only that password and you don't want to change the properties of PROF_1. How can you do it? Solution
Temporarily you could give LASSI another profile that doesn’t cause that problem. E.g. : alter user LASSI profile DEFAULT; alter user LASSI identified by lassi1; alter user LASSI profile PROF_1;
April 2012 - Table describe
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
You have the tables T1 and T2. Those tables have many columns. You have to find a query that checks their structures in order to see if these are identical: COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, DATA_LENGTH, COLUMN_ID. E.g.: create table LASSI.t1 (c1 char, c2 number, c3 date); create table LASSI.t2 (c1 varchar2(10), c2 number); create table LASSI.t3 (c1 char, c2 number, c3 date);If you launch that query between t1 and t2, you receive: COLUMN_NAME DATA_TYPE DATA_LENGTH COLUMN_ID CNT_T1 CNT_T2 ------------------ --------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- C1 CHAR 1 1 1 0 C1 VARCHAR2 10 1 0 1 C3 DATE 7 3 1 0and if you launch the query between t1 and t3, you receive: no rows selected
March 2012 - Oracle Password
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You are in Oracle 11g, you want to know the hashed password (someone call it "encrypted password") of the user LASSI. In the previous Oracle versions, you could check the column PASSWORD on the DBA_USERS. But in 11g, this value is always null. So, what you can do in order to see that information? Solution
In Oracle 11g, you can find this information on SYS.USER$: SELECT name, password, ctime created FROM sys.user$;
February 2012 - Moving Segments
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA/Progr
You want to move all segments contained in the tablespace TBS_SOURCE to the tablespaces TBS_TARGET_IDX and TBS_TARGET_DT. You don't want to use exp/imp, expdp/impdp or online table Redefinition. In TBS_SOURCE there are these objects types: - INDEX --> you want them to TBS_TARGET_IDX - LOBINDEX --> you want them to TBS_TARGET_DT - LOBSEGMENT --> you want them to TBS_TARGET_DT - TABLE --> you want them to TBS_TARGET_DT You have to find a query (from dictionary) that create the correct DDL to move those objects. For example, when you launch it, you have to see a result like this: SEGMENT_TYPE DDL -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDEX alter index LA.SYS_C0015774 rebuild tablespace TBS_TARGET_IDX; INDEX alter index LA.IDX_LOG_ID_FOUR rebuild tablespace TBS_TARGET_IDX; LOBINDEX LOBINDEX LOBSEGMENT alter table CT.LOG_B move lob (XML) store as (tablespace TBS_TARGET_DT); LOBSEGMENT alter table LA.LOG_M move lob (XML) store as (tablespace TBS_TARGET_DT); TABLE alter table LA.LOG_EVENTS_BK move tablespace TBS_TARGET_DT; TABLE alter table LA.LOG_POLICY move tablespace TBS_TARGET_DTAnd you have to explain why you don't need a DDL to move the LOBINDEXes?
January 2012 - resource busy error
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
You are in Oracle 10g and you launch this command:
alter table EMP initrans 5; ERROR at line 1: ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified ORA-06512: at line 3You have to write an anonymous block that tries to do this operation 10 times (waiting for 0,2 seconds between every attempt). For example, you launch it and, at the third attempt, the command was successful, so on the screen you see: Success: No Success: No Success: YESOtherwise, which Oracle feature can you use if you are in Oracle 11g?
December 2011 - Db Analysis
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA/Progr
You have to write a PL/SQL program that do a short "db analysis". When you launch it, you must receive a result like this: ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Analysis Date: 07/12/2011 16:33:42 ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production Database: Dbid: 324368697 Name: DBLOR Created: 18-AGO-11 Log_mode: ARCHIVELOG Instance: Instance Number: 1 Name: DBLOR Parallel: NO Host name: mi088lor Archiver: STARTED Startup Time: 05/10/2011 16:08 SGA Statistics: Buffer Cache Hit Ratio: 97.384 % Library Cache Miss Ratio: 0.912 % Dictionary Cache Miss Ratio: 0.984 %
November 2011 - Contention and "Metadata query"
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
One your colleague, says that the EMP table and its indexes have contention. Of course this is an "application issue" but, as a DBA, you could reduce this problem (for the "future rows") by changing the INITRANS setting. So you have to find a "metadata query" that: - return the commands you could launch in order to apply this changing - return the current INITRANS Result Example: COMMAND INI_TRANS -------------------------------------- ---------- alter index SCOTT.EMP_IDX2 initrans 6; 2 alter index SCOTT.EMP_IDX1 initrans 6; 2 alter table SCOTT.EMP initrans 5; 1You have to find it without knowing the indexes names.
October 2011 - Initialization Parameters
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You are in Oracle 10.2. and you want to avoid errors like :
ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceed ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (%s) exceededTo avoid them, you want to set correctly the parameters "processes" and "sessions". To do this analyze, you have to find a query that has result like this: RESOURCE_NAME CURRENT_UTILIZATION MAX_UTILIZATION LIMIT_VALUE -------------- ------------------- --------------- ----------- processes 130 133 150 sessions 135 159 170 Solution
You should use the view v$resource_limit : it displays information regarding some of the system resources:
SELECT resource_name, current_utilization, max_utilization, limit_value FROM v$resource_limit WHERE resource_name in ('sessions', 'processes');
September 2011 - DDL generation problem
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You are in Oracle 10.2. You have an existing DBMS_SCHEDULER job called FIND_JOB inside the schema SCOTT. You are using SQL*Plus and you want to generate the DDL of this job. How can you do it? Solution
You can use the function dbms_metadata.get_ddl.Its output is a CLOB so in order to see the result in SQL*Plus, you have to launch: set long 2000After this, you can use this query (the type of this object is PROCOBJ): SELECT dbms_metadata.get_ddl('PROCOBJ', 'FIND_JOB', 'SCOTT') FROM dual;
August 2011 - Export Problem
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
You are in Oracle You use the "original" export (no datapump) in order to export the schema called LASSI and you receive this error: EXP-11 Table Does Not Exist or Table is IgnoredWhy? Which query can you launch before the export in order to see if you could receive this error? How can you avoid it? Which metalink note is useful to read?
July 2011 - Invalid Views
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You have to find a query that shows the invalid views in your db. This query must be executed in SQL*Plus and you want a result like this: INVALID_OBJECT TEXT ----------------------- --------------------------------------- LASSI.VW_S_ORDER_ITEM select row_id, PAR_ROW_ID, S_ORDER_ITEM_X.ATTRIB_26, S_ORDER_ITEM_X.ATTRIB_27 from pippo.S_ORDER_ITEM_X LASSI.S_EXTRACT_NODE SELECT T1.RULE_ID RULE_ID, T1.NODE_ID NODE_ID, T1.GROUP_CD GROUP_CD, T2.NAME RULE_NAME FROM S_EXTDATA_N T1, S_EXTDATA_R T2 WHERE T1.RULE_ID = T2.ROW_ID Solution
You have to set up the SQL*Plus environment. Example:
set lines 155 pages 66 col invalid_object for a33 set long 2000And, after this, you can launch the query: select o.owner || '.' || o.object_name invalid_object, v.text from dba_objects o, dba_views v where status != 'VALID' AND object_type = 'VIEW' AND o.owner = v.owner AND o.object_name = v.view_name;
June 2011 - Table Access
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
In the database, you have many "physical reads" on a small table called TAB_1. Then you can try to improve the queries that read it and you can do others 2 things in order to improve the access to it. Find these 2 other solutions.
May 2011 - SQL and Files
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA/Progr
You have to find a query that shows the datafiles and tempfiles created in the last X days, where X is a dynamic variable defined like this: &days.
For example, I want to know the files created in the last 90 days then my result is: TYPE TABLESPACE_NAME FILE_NAME MB CREATION ------ ------------------ ------------------------------------- -------- ---------- DATAF TS_TSOLC_TAB /oracle/dblor/data0/TS_TAB_d02.dbf 10240 22-FEB-11 DATAF TS_TSOLC_TAB /oracle/dblor/data0/TS_TAB_d03.dbf 10240 22-APR-11 DATAF USERS /oracle/dblor/data0/users02.dbf 16384 14-FEB-11 TEMPF. TS_ACN_UNB_TEMP /oracle/dblor/temp0/TS_ACN_TEMP.dbf 5120 14-FEB-11
April 2011 - Archiving
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You have to find a query that shows the amount of redo logs generated every 10 minutes in the last 2 hours.
Then you want a result like this: DATE N.Archive Tot.MB ------------------- ------------ ---------- From 2011-01-25 17.20 3 708 From 2011-01-25 17.30 3 702 From 2011-01-25 17.40 1 234 From 2011-01-25 17.50 2 469 From 2011-01-25 18.00 1 234 From 2011-01-25 18.10 2 471 From 2011-01-25 18.20 2 469 From 2011-01-25 18.30 2 468 From 2011-01-25 18.40 1 234 From 2011-01-25 18.50 2 468 From 2011-01-25 19.00 2 480 From 2011-01-25 19.10 1 144 From 2011-01-25 19.20 1 0 Solution
You can see the view v$archived_log:
select 'From '|| substr(to_char(al.completion_time,'YYYY-MM-DD hh24.mi'),1,15) || 0 date, count(al.recid) "N.Archive", round(sum ((al.blocks+1)*al.block_size)/1048576) "Tot.MB" from v$archived_log al where al.completion_time >=sysdate-1/12 group by substr(to_char(al.completion_time,'YYYY-MM-DD hh24.mi'),1,15) order by 1;
March 2011 - Auditing
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You have the auditing activated in Oracle9i.
You upgrade the db to the Oracle version. After that, you see that Oracle writes in the sys.aud$ but the result of one query is strange: SELECT count(1) FROM sys.aud$ WHERE TIMESTAMP# IS NOT NULL; COUNT(1) -------- 0You used this query in Oracle9i and now you expected to receive a result different than 0. What is the reason? Which metalink notes can you refer to? Solution
In the Oracle db version 10gR1 and above, the TIMESTAMP# column is obsoleted in favour of the new NTIMESTAMP# column.Since datatype of TIMESTAMP# (date) is coarse and can not capture fractional seconds and timezone, NTIMESTAMP# column is introduced of datatype timestamp(6). The old column is deprecated. Metalink ID 427296.1
February 2011 - Alert.log
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
Your Oracle server is crashed.
After it works again, you check the db. It seems to work fine but some people say that they can't connect to the db and in the alert.log you found this: Tue Jan 11 12:10:28 2011 Errors in file /oracle/db_lor/admin/bdump/db_lor_qmn0_5525654.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4194], [73], [77], [], [], [], [], [] Doing block recovery for fno: 2 blk: 43 block recovery range from rba 17687.5432.0 to scn 1972.2718780554Which metalink notes can you refer to? How can you fix the problem?
January (2) 2011 - Listener Problem
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You want to see the status of a listener and you receive this error:
ordblor # lsnrctl status LS_DBLOR_1521 LSNRCTL for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production on 9-JAN-11 11:17 Copyright (c) 1991, 2006, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=mi011)(PORT=1521))) TNS-01169: The listener has not recognized the passwordWhy have you received this error? How can you avoid it? Solution
You have received this error because you have implemented the password in the listener.The password in the listener was useful especially in Oracle 9i for security reasons. To avoid the error here described, you have to look at inside the file listener.ora . At the end of this file, you find something this: PASSWORDS_ls_dblor_1521 = B5C1F55A82F9E241Then you have to launch these commands: 1. lsnrctl 2. set current_listener LS_DBLOR_1521 3. set password B5C1F55A82F9E241 4. status
January 2011 - Oracle 11g Installation
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
Using OUI, you are installing Oracle server on AIX machines (AIX 5.3 and AIX 6.1).
At Step 10 ("Perform Prerequisite Checks"), you receive errors like these: 1. free space: server88:/tmp : Expected Value 1GB, Actual Value 100MB 2. Checking for rsct.basic.rte(0.0); Not found 3. Checking for rsct.compat.clients.rte(0.0); Not found 4. APARs IZ42940, IZ49516, IZ52331 are missing 5. APARs IZ41855, IZ51456, IZ52319 are missingCan you ignore them? In which metalink notes can you find these problems?
December 2010 - Statspack
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You want to delete all the data inside the tables in the STATSPACK schema that are older than 1 year.
What is a sample way to do it? Solution
The stats$snapshot is the main table in the STATSPACK.This table contains the snapshot ID for all of the subordinate tables and the SNAP_TIME indicates when the snapshot was taken. The stats$snapshot table can be deleted in order to delete rows from all of the subordinate tables, so in this case you can launch: Delete stats$snapshot where SNAP_TIME>sysdate-365;
November 2010 - Secret Code
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
You are in Oracle 10g and you have a PL/SQL procedure called pr_trunc.
This procedure can be used but you want that nobody (neither the schema owner) can see its source. How can you do it?
October 2010 - Index Use
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
You have the index LASSI.idx_1.
You want to discover whether it is used, or not: - how can you enable this check? - which view you have to examine if you are connected as LASSI? and if you are connected as SYS? - how can you stop this check?
September (2) 2010 - Package Compilation
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
You are trying to compile a package but you receive the error
ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock objectYou want to know who is using it. How can you do it? You want a result like this: (103) - LASSI (211) - USER2where 103 and 211 are the SIDs and LASSI and USER2 are the users that are using the package. Solution
You have to create the procedure who_is_using in the SYS schema.You find it in metalink. Then you launch that procedure. Example where PKG_LASSI is the package that you want to compile: set serveroutput on exec who_is_using ('PKG_LASSI') (103) - LASSI (211) - USER2
September 2010 - Hidden Parameters
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You have to write a query that find out your hidden parameters and some its characteristics.
Example of its result: NAME VALUE DEFLT TYPE ------------------------------------- ------------ --------- ---------------- _abort_recovery_on_join FALSE TRUE boolean _active_standby_fast_reconfiguration TRUE TRUE boolean _adaptive_direct_read TRUE TRUE boolean _adaptive_fetch_enabled TRUE TRUE boolean _adjust_literal_replacement FALSE TRUE boolean _affinity_on TRUE TRUE boolean _aiowait_timeouts 100 TRUE number ... Solution
This is a good query :
select a.ksppinm name, b.ksppstvl value, b.ksppstdf deflt, decode (a.ksppity, 1, 'boolean', 2, 'string', 3, 'number', 4, 'file', a.ksppity) type --,a.ksppdesc description from sys.x$ksppi a, sys.x$ksppcv b where a.indx = b.indx AND a.ksppinm like '\_%' escape '\' order by 1;
August (2) 2010 - Move Files
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
You are in Unix and inside the directory /oracle/db_lor/dbms102/rdbms/audit
you have thousands of files having the name starting with "ora_1". You want to move them inside the directory /oracle/db_lor_audit_ora_1 You try it normally, but you receive one error: mv ora_1* /oracle/db_lor_audit_ora_1/ bash: /bin/mv: Argument list too longHow can you do this?
August 2010 - SQL Query
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
You want to find the tablespaces that have the datafiles only in /oracled02.
Find out the query that do this. Solution
Launch this:
select distinct tablespace_name from dba_data_files where file_name like '/oracled02%' minus select tablespace_name from dba_data_files where file_name not like '/oracled02%';As I wrote, after the “minus”, you don’t need the “distinct”.
July 2010 - Parameter Problem
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You have created a single db instance in Oracle 10.2.
When you start the instance, you receive the error ORA-32004 : SQL> startup ORA-32004: obsolete and/or deprecated parameter(s) specified ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 981467136 bytes Fixed Size 2088800 bytes Variable Size 436207776 bytes Database Buffers 536870912 bytes Redo Buffers 6299648 bytes Database mounted. Database opened.How can you find which is the "wrong" parameter ? You find that the "wrong" parameter is max_commit_propagation_delay. You are using a modified SPFILE copied from a RAC db. How can you adjust that parameter? Solution
You will find that parameter inside the alert.log :
... pga_aggregate_target = 536870912 _optimizer_connect_by_cost_based= FALSE _right_outer_hash_enable = FALSE Deprecated system parameters with specified values: max_commit_propagation_delay End of deprecated system parameter listing Wed Apr 7 16:55:36 2010 Oracle instance running with ODM: Veritas 5.0 ODM Library, Version 1.1 PMON started with pid=2, OS id=1298548 PSP0 started with pid=3, OS id=1290286 ...You can change that parameter using this command: alter system reset max_commit_propagation_delay scope=spfile sid='*';After that, you have to do the bounce of the database.
June 2010 - Disable Db links
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You are in Oracle 10g and you want to disable one database link without dropping it.
Actually, in Oracle the Database links cannot be altered. But there is a workaround. Which is it? Solution
A simple workaround of this problem is: put comments inside the entry in tnsnames.ora.For example: the db link uses this TNS entry: db_lor = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = db_lor )) )It should became like this: # db_lor = # (DESCRIPTION = # (ADDRESS_LIST = # (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1521))) # (CONNECT_DATA = # (SERVICE_NAME = db_lor )) # )Of course, you can do this only if this connection is used only by that database link!
May 2010 - Number of Sessions
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA/Prog
You want to do a stored procedure in order to check every 30 seconds how many sessions (active and inactive) are on your db:
When you launch this check, the procedure must do 10 snapshots and you must see graphically the result. Example of the result: Time Active Ses Inact Ses Active | Inactive 20091119 16.33.01 13 229 **** | *************** 20091119 16.33.31 14 227 **** | *************** 20091119 16.34.01 16 225 **** | *************** 20091119 16.34.31 16 226 **** | *************** 20091119 16.35.01 13 229 **** | *************** 20091119 16.35.31 13 229 **** | *************** 20091119 16.36.01 16 223 **** | *************** 20091119 16.36.31 22 210 ***** | ************** 20091119 16.37.03 22 220 ***** | *************** 20091119 16.37.33 15 245 **** | **************** Solution
You have to use the view v$session and the functions LPAD, RPAD and dbms_lock.sleep:
set serveroutput on size 1000000; declare v_sessions varchar2(2000) := null; -- USEFUL FOR THE CURSOR RESULT v_snapshots pls_integer := 10; -- NUMBER OF SNAPSHOTS v_wait pls_integer := 30; -- NUMBER OF SECONDS BETWEEN THE SNAPSHOT BEGIN dbms_output.put_line (' Time Active Ses Inact Ses Active | Inactive'); for i in 1..v_snapshots loop select to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd') || LPAD(sum(decode(status,'ACTIVE',count(1))),9,' ') || LPAD(sum(decode(status,'INACTIVE',count(1))),14,' ') || ' ' || LPAD(LPAD('*',round(sqrt(sum(decode(status,'ACTIVE',count(1))))) ,'*'),15,' ') || ' | ' || RPAD('*',round(sqrt(sum(decode(status,'INACTIVE',count(1))))),'*') into v_sessions from v$session group by to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd'), status; dbms_output.put_line (v_sessions); if i != v_snapshots then dbms_lock.sleep(seconds => v_wait); end if; end loop; end;
April 2010 - Tablespace Problem
Level (*) : 3 Topic (*) : DBA
Your db is in Oracle in a Sun Microsystems machine.
The datafiles are in the File System (FS) /oracle/dblor/data. The tempfile is in the FS /oracle/dblor/temp. The FS /oracle/dblor/temp is totally full then you ask the UNIX group to extend it. But they say that in order to do this the FS can't be totally full. In it there is only one file and it's the file of the temporary tablespace TEMP. Its size is 300 MB and it is in AUTOEXTEND till 400 MB. Which is the 2 ways to check if the TEMP is offline? How you can bring it again online? After that you bring it online, you could make that file a little bit smaller (295M) but you want to be sure that, till the FS will not be larger, new sessions will not use it. What are the last steps in order to solve your problem? And why could be useful the view database_properties?
March 2010 - Tablespaces Changed
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
You want to know the names of the tablespaces where at least one datafile has been added today.
You don't have access to the file system then you have to find them using a SQL query. Which is this query? Solution
You could launch this join:
select distinct from v$datafile dbf, v$tablespace tbs where trunc(dbf.CREATION_TIME)=trunc(sysdate) and dbf.ts# = tbs.ts#;
February 2010 - DB Link
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : DBA
In the machine SERVER_1, you have the database DB1 and in the TNSNAMES.ORA you have this entry: = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = SERVER_2)(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = DB2000) ) )Then you create a database link: CREATE DATABASE LINK DB2000 CONNECT TO user1 IDENTIFIED BY pwd1 USING '';From the SERVER_1, you try this database link and it works: select * from dual@DB2000; D - XThen, you try the same query from a client connected to the DB1 and you receive this error: "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified"How you could create the database link in order to avoid this error? Solution
In the database link creation, you could use the TNSNAMES.ORA entry:
January 2010 - SQL tuning
Level (*) : 2 Topic (*) : Prog
You want to do a SQL tuning of this:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tab_1 , tab_2 WHERE tab_1.IDDOC = tab_2.IDDOC AND tab_1.LASTVERSION = tab_2.VERSION AND tab_2.DIR = :b1;Then you decide to use an Oracle event: Which undocumented Oracle event is useful in this situation? And which level you have to use in this event if you want to have also the wait event (as the example below)? Elapsed times include waiting on following events: Event waited on Times Max. Wait Total Waited ----------------------------- Waited ---------- ------------ SQL*Net message to client 3 0.00 0.00 SQL*Net message from client 3 16.10 16.14 db file sequential read 32 0.00 0.02And how you can stop the Oracle event? Solution
You have to use the event 10046 and, after, use the TKPROF to interpret the trace file.In order to activate this event : alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level num';Where num is either 1,4,8 or 12, with: - 1 being the same as a normal set sql_trace=true, - 4 including values of bind variables, - 8 including wait events, - 12 including both bind variables and wait events. Then in this example, you have to use the level 12: alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';In order to stop it: alter session set events '10046 trace name context off';
(*) Level: 1: easy solution 2: medium solution 3: hard (or long) solution Topic: DBA: quiz usually suitable for DBAs Progr: quiz usually suitable for PL/SQL or SQL Programmers DBA/Progr: quiz suitable for DBAs and for Programmers