> Website History
Latest important updates on the website:
- 19 Jun 2024: The new manual Linux and devOps (in italian language) and the June Quiz (regarding Postgres) have been added
- 25 Apr 2024: The manual Oracle 19c: Tuning Applicativo e dell'SQL (in italian language) has been added
- 12 Mar 2024: The manual Postgresql version 14 (in italian language) has been added
- 25 Feb 2024: The manual Oracle 19c: Tuning Sistemistico (in italian language) has been added
- 17 Feb 2024: The February Quiz (regarding Oracle) has been added
- 29 Jan 2024: Many updates have been done on the website
- 27 Jan 2024: The solutions of the old quizzes level 2 ( 2017's Quiz ) have been added and the "old quiz summary best pratices" page has been removed
- 28 Dec 2023: The manual Postgresql 13: SQL, PL-PgSQL e Performance & Tuning (in italian language) has been added
- 10 Nov 2023: The "HTML commands", "Export - Import", "SQL*Loader Parameters" pages have been removed and many manuals have been improved
- 30 Oct 2023: The manual Oracle 19c: SQL e PL/SQL (in italian language) has been added
- 17 Oct 2023: The manual Oracle 19c: Installazione, Backup e Recovery (in italian language) has been added
- 31 Jul 2023: The manual Oracle 19c: Guida Completa per DBA (in italian language) has been added
- 14 May 2023: The manual Postgresql 13: Backup, Recovery e Alta Disponibilita (in italian language) has been added
- 29 Mar 2023: The manual Oracle 12c: Utilities, RAC, Exadata, Data Guard (in italian language) has been added
- 4 Feb 2023: From now on it's possible to pay using the Satipay app too
- 29 Jan 2023: The manual Postgres version 13 (in italian language) has been added
- 19 Jan 2023: The solutions of the old quizzes level 2 ( 2016's Quiz ) have been added
- 10 Jan 2023: The manual Oracle 12c: Installazione, CDB, PDB, Backup e Recovery (in italian language) has been added
- 8 Dec 2022: The manual Oracle 12c: Tuning Sistemistico (in italian language) has been added
- 30 Jun 2022: The manual "Oracle 11g: Overview New Features for Administrators" has been removed: all its content is inside the manual OCP Oracle 11g : New Features for Administrators. Many other manuals have been improved
- 10 Jun 2022: The manual Oracle 12c: Tuning Applicativo e dell'SQL (in italian language) has been added
- 3 Mar 2022: The solutions of the old quizzes level 2 ( 2015's Quiz ) have been added
- 10 May 2005: The first version of this website was released : it was composed by 3 pages: HomePage (with Oracle manuals) and 2 pages related to Certification Test (Oracle 8i and Oracle 9i)


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